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Alison G. Boyer, Helen F. James, Storrs L. Olson, Jack A. Grant-Mackie: Long-term ecological change in a conservation hotspot: the fossil avifauna of Mé Auré Cave, New Caledonia. In: Biodiversity and Conservation. Band19, Nr.11, Oktober 2010, ISSN0960-3115, S.3207–3224, doi:10.1007/s10531-010-9887-9.
Alison G. Boyer, Helen F. James, Storrs L. Olson, Jack A. Grant-Mackie: Long-term ecological change in a conservation hotspot: the fossil avifauna of Mé Auré Cave, New Caledonia. In: Biodiversity and Conservation. Band19, Nr.11, Oktober 2010, ISSN0960-3115, S.3207–3224, doi:10.1007/s10531-010-9887-9.