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Zur osmanischen Thronfolge eingehend Halil İnalcık: The Ottoman Succession and its Relation to the Turkish Concept of Sovereignty. Aus dem Türkischen von Douglas Howard. In: Halil İnalcık: The Middle East and the Balkans under the Ottoman Empire. Essays on Economy and Society (= Indiana University Turkish Studies and Turkish Ministry of Culture Joint Series. Band 9). Indiana University Press, Bloomington (Indiana) 1993, S. 37–69 (inalcik.com (Memento vom 4. September 2018 im Internet Archive) [PDF; 3,1 MB]). Türkischsprachige Erstveröffentlichung: Halil İnalcık: Osmanlılar’da Saltanat Verâseti Usûlü ve Türk Hakimiyet Telâkkisiyle İlgisi. In: Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, Band 14, Nr. 1, 1959, ISSN0378-2921, S. 69–94 (dergiler.ankara.edu.tr (Memento vom 2. September 2021 im Internet Archive) [PDF; 13,3 MB]).
Ahmet Içduygu, Şule Toktas, B. Ali Soner: The politics of population in a nation-building process. Emigration of non-Muslims from Turkey. In: Ethnic and Racial Studies. Band31, Nr.2, 1. Februar 2008, ISSN0141-9870, S.358–389, doi:10.1080/01419870701491937.
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