D Kültz, M Burg: Evolution of osmotic stress signaling via MAP kinase cascades. In: Journal of Experimental Biology. Band201, Nr.22, 1. November 1998, ISSN1477-9145, S.3015–3021, doi:10.1242/jeb.201.22.3015 (biologists.com [abgerufen am 8. August 2022]).
Chad Brocker, David C. Thompson, Vasilis Vasiliou: The role of hyperosmotic stress in inflammation and disease. In: BioMolecular Concepts. Band3, Nr.4, 1. August 2012, ISSN1868-503X, S.345–364, doi:10.1515/bmc-2012-0001, PMID 22977648, PMC 3438915 (freier Volltext) – (degruyter.com [abgerufen am 8. August 2022]).
Karl Lang, Philipp Lang, Christian Bauer, Christophe Duranton, Thomas Wieder: Mechanisms of Suicidal Erythrocyte Death. In: Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. Band15, Nr.5, 2005, ISSN1015-8987, S.195–202, doi:10.1159/000086406 (karger.com [abgerufen am 8. August 2022]).
D Kültz, M Burg: Evolution of osmotic stress signaling via MAP kinase cascades. In: Journal of Experimental Biology. Band201, Nr.22, 1. November 1998, ISSN1477-9145, S.3015–3021, doi:10.1242/jeb.201.22.3015 (biologists.com [abgerufen am 8. August 2022]).
Dietmar Kültz: Osmotic stress sensing and signaling in animals. In: FEBS Journal. Band274, Nr.22, November 2007, S.5781–5781, doi:10.1111/j.1742-4658.2007.06097.x (wiley.com [abgerufen am 8. August 2022]).
Steffan N. Ho: Intracellular water homeostasis and the mammalian cellular osmotic stress response: CELLULAR WATER HOMEOSTASIS AND OSMOTIC STRESS. In: Journal of Cellular Physiology. Band206, Nr.1, Januar 2006, S.9–15, doi:10.1002/jcp.20445 (wiley.com [abgerufen am 8. August 2022]).
Chad Brocker, David C. Thompson, Vasilis Vasiliou: The role of hyperosmotic stress in inflammation and disease. In: BioMolecular Concepts. Band3, Nr.4, 1. August 2012, ISSN1868-503X, S.345–364, doi:10.1515/bmc-2012-0001, PMID 22977648, PMC 3438915 (freier Volltext) – (degruyter.com [abgerufen am 8. August 2022]).
Karl Lang, Philipp Lang, Christian Bauer, Christophe Duranton, Thomas Wieder: Mechanisms of Suicidal Erythrocyte Death. In: Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. Band15, Nr.5, 2005, ISSN1015-8987, S.195–202, doi:10.1159/000086406 (karger.com [abgerufen am 8. August 2022]).
Chad Brocker, David C. Thompson, Vasilis Vasiliou: The role of hyperosmotic stress in inflammation and disease. In: BioMolecular Concepts. Band3, Nr.4, 1. August 2012, ISSN1868-503X, S.345–364, doi:10.1515/bmc-2012-0001, PMID 22977648, PMC 3438915 (freier Volltext) – (degruyter.com [abgerufen am 8. August 2022]).
Dietmar Kültz: Osmotic stress sensing and signaling in animals. In: FEBS Journal. Band274, Nr.22, November 2007, S.5781–5781, doi:10.1111/j.1742-4658.2007.06097.x (wiley.com [abgerufen am 8. August 2022]).
Steffan N. Ho: Intracellular water homeostasis and the mammalian cellular osmotic stress response: CELLULAR WATER HOMEOSTASIS AND OSMOTIC STRESS. In: Journal of Cellular Physiology. Band206, Nr.1, Januar 2006, S.9–15, doi:10.1002/jcp.20445 (wiley.com [abgerufen am 8. August 2022]).
Karl Lang, Philipp Lang, Christian Bauer, Christophe Duranton, Thomas Wieder: Mechanisms of Suicidal Erythrocyte Death. In: Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. Band15, Nr.5, 2005, ISSN1015-8987, S.195–202, doi:10.1159/000086406 (karger.com [abgerufen am 8. August 2022]).
D Kültz, M Burg: Evolution of osmotic stress signaling via MAP kinase cascades. In: Journal of Experimental Biology. Band201, Nr.22, 1. November 1998, ISSN1477-9145, S.3015–3021, doi:10.1242/jeb.201.22.3015 (biologists.com [abgerufen am 8. August 2022]).
Chad Brocker, David C. Thompson, Vasilis Vasiliou: The role of hyperosmotic stress in inflammation and disease. In: BioMolecular Concepts. Band3, Nr.4, 1. August 2012, ISSN1868-503X, S.345–364, doi:10.1515/bmc-2012-0001, PMID 22977648, PMC 3438915 (freier Volltext) – (degruyter.com [abgerufen am 8. August 2022]).