Ostasiatische Maulwürfe (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ostasiatische Maulwürfe" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
1,903rd place
4,187th place
2nd place
3rd place
387th place
297th place
6,163rd place
8,094th place
1,734th place
1,698th place
8,312th place
low place
2,066th place
5,596th place
5,737th place
low place
733rd place
1,868th place
441st place
618th place
2,106th place
139th place
7,661st place
585th place
88th place
196th place


  • Coenraad Jacob Temminck: Mammifères. In: Philipp Franz von Siebold (Hrsg.): Fauna japonica, sive, Descriptio animalium, quae in itinere per Japoniam, jussu et auspiciis, superiorum, qui summum in India Batava imperium tenent, suscepto, annis 1823-1830. Lyon, 1842, S. 1–59 (S. 19–20) ([17])
  • Richard Owen: Odontography; or, A treatise on the comparative anatomy of the teeth; their physiological relations, mode of development, and microscopic structure, in the vertebrate animals. London, 1840–1845. S. 1–655 (S. 415) ([20])
  • Alphonse Milne-Edwards: Sur la classification des taupes de l'ancien continent. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences 99, 1884, S. 1141–1143 ([22])
  • Oldfield Thomas: Description of a new species of mole from China. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5 (7), 1881, S. 469–471 ([23])



  • Don E. Wilson und DeeAnn M. Reeder (Hrsg.): Mammal Species of the World. A taxonomic and geographic Reference. 2 Bände. 3. Auflage. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4 ([15])



  • Ivo Grulich: Zur Kenntnis der Gattungen Scaptochirus und Parascaptor (Talpini, Mammalia). Folia Zoologica 31, 1982, S. 1–20 ([7])


  • Masaharu Motokawa, Liang-Kong Lin, Hsi-Chi Cheng und Masashi Harada: Taxonomic Status of the Senkaku Mole, Nesoscaptor uchidai, with Special Reference to Variation in Mogera insularis from Taiwan (Mammalia: Insectivora). Zoological Science 18, 2001, S. 733–740 ([5])
  • Yoshinari Kawamura: Quaternary Rodent Faunas in the Japanese Islands (Part 1). Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Series of Geology and Mineralogy 53 (1/2), 1988, S. 31–348 ([25])


  • Ivo Grulich: Zum Bau des Beckens (Pelvis), eines systematisch-taxonomischen Merkmales, bei der Unterfamilie Talpinae. Zoologické Listy 20, 1971, S. 15–28 ([8])


  • Masakazu Asahara, Alexey Kryukov und Masaharu Motokawa: Dental anomalies in the Japanese mole Mogera wogura from northeast China and the Primorsky region of Russia. Acta Theriologica 57, 2012, S. 41–48, doi:10.1007/sI3364-011-0050-0
  • Elena Zemlemerova, Alexey Abramov, Alexey Kryukov, Vladimir Lebedev, Mi-Sook Min, Seo-Jin Lee, Anna Bannikova: Genetic and morphologic diversity of the moles (Talpomorpha, Talpidae, Mogera) from the continental Far East. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 57, 2019, S. 662–678, doi:10.1111/jzs.12272
  • Junji Moribe und Yasushi Yokohata: Mixed distribution of Mogera imaizumii and Mogera wogura in the Tedori Alluvial Fan in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. Mammal Study 36, 2011, S. 135–139, doi:10.3106/041.036.0303
  • Naohiko Sagara und Yu Fukasawa: Inhabitant changes in long-term mole nesting at the same site, revealed by observing mushroom fruiting at the site. Mammalia 78 (3), 2014, S. 383–391, doi:10.1515/mammalia-2013-0073
  • Christian Mitgutsch, Michael K. Richardson, Rafael Jiménez, José E. Martin, Peter Kondrashov, Merijn A. G. de Bakker und Marcelo R. Sánchez-Villagra: Circumventing the polydactyly ‚constraint‘: The mole’s ‚thumb‘. Biology Letters 8, 2011, S. 74–77, doi:10.1098/rsbl.2011.0494
  • Constanze Bickelmann, Christian Mitgutsch, Michael K. Richardson, Rafael Jiménez, Merijn A. G. de Bakker und Marcelo R. Sánchez-Villagra: Transcriptional heterochrony in talpid mole autopods. EvoDevo 3, 2012, S. 16, doi:10.1186/2041-9139-3-16
  • Kai He, Akio Shinohara, Xue-Long Jiang und Kevin L. Campbell: Multilocus phylogeny of talpine moles (Talpini, Talpidae, Eulipotyphla) and its implications for systematics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 70, 2014, S. 513–521, doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2013.10.002
  • Hung Sun Koh, Kyung Hee Jang, Eui Dong Han, Jae Eun Jo, Seon Ki Jeong, Eui Jeong Ham, Jong Hyek Lee, Kwang Seon Kim, Seong Teek In und Gu Hee Kweon: Lack of genetic divergence between Mogera wogura coreana from Korea and M. w. robusta from Northeastern China and adjacent Russia (Soricomorpha: Mammalia), reexamined from 12S rRNA and cytochrome b sequences. Animal Cells and Systems 16 (5), 2012, S. 408–414, doi:10.1080/19768354.2012.694824



  • Theodore Gill: Synopsis of Insectivorous Mammals. Washington D.C., 1875, S. 1–32 (S. 22) ([19])



  • Auguste Pomel: Etudes sur les carnassiers insectivores (Extrait). Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles, Geneve 1 (9), 1848, S. 244–251 ([18])



  • Hisashi Abe: Classification and biology of Japanese Insectivora (Mammalia). I. Studies on variation and classification. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University 55, 1967, S. 191–265 ([2])
  • Hisashi Abe: Classification and biology of Japanese Insectivora (Mammalia). II. Biological aspects. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University 55 (4), 1968, S. 429–458 ([12])




  • Naohiko Sagara: Hair Types of Japanese Insectivora, with Special Reference to the Presence of Straight Guard Hairs. Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan 11 (1/2), 1986, S. 57–64 ([1])
  • T. Sakai und H. Hanamura: A morphological study on the dentition of Insectivora. II Talpidae. Japanese Journal of Oral Biology, 15, 1973, S. 333–346 ([3])
  • Hisashi Abe, Satoshi Shiraishi und Shusei Arai: A New Mole from Uotsuri-jima, the Ryukyu Islands. Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan 15 (2), 1991, S. 47–60 ([4])
  • Hisashi Abe: Soil hardness, affecting the range expansion of Mogera wogura in Japan. Mammal Study 26, 2001, S. 45–52 ([9])
  • Hisashi Abe: The northeastern front in the distribution of Mogera wogura in the central Honshu, Japan in 2009, especially the past 50 years’ change in Nagano Prefecture. Honyurui Kagaku 50 (1), 2010, S. 55–66 ([10])
  • Yoshiharu Imaizumi und Tadaaki Imaizumi: Interspecific relationship in two mole species in the plains of Niigata, Honshu. 1. Geographic distribution. Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan 5, 1970, S. 15–18 ([11])
  • Atsushi Kashimura, Kunihito Moteki, Akio Shinohara, Kimiyuki Tsuchiya, Toshihiro Takahashi und Tetsuo Morita: Seasonal changes in the diet and diet selectivity of large Japanese moles, Mogera wogura (Temminck, 1842). Japanese Journal of Environmental Entomology and Zoology 21 (3), 2010, S. 147–153 ([13])
  • Takuma Hashimoto und Manabu Abe: Body size and reproductive schedules in two parapatric moles, Mogera tokudae and Mogera imaizumii, in the Echigo Plain. Mammal Study 26, 2001, S. 35–44 ([14])
  • Kimiyuki Tsuchiya, Hitoshi Suzuki, Akio Shinohara, Masashi Harada, Shigeharu Wakana, Mitsuru Sakaizumi, Sang-Hoon Han, Liang-Kong Lin und Alexei P. Kryukov: Molecular phylogeny of East Asian moles inferred from the sequence variation of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Genes & Genetic Systems 75 (1), 2000, S. 17–24 ([16])
  • Yoshinari Kawamura: Quaternary Mammalian Faunas in the Japanese Islands. The Quaternary Research 30 (2), 1991, S. 213–220 ([26])


  • Shin-ichiro Kawada, Hideki Endo, Sen-ichi Oda und Kazuhiro Koyasu: Dental Anomalies in Four Mole Species of the Genus Mogera (Insectivora, Talpidae) from Japan. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series A 37 (1), 2011, S, 63–72 ([6])
  • Mizuko Yoshiyuki: Notes on Thai mammals. 1. Talpidae (Insectivora). Bulletin of the National Science Museum Serie A 14 (4), 1988, S. 215–222 ([24])



  • George Edward Dobson: A Monograph of the Insectivora, systematic and anatomical. Part II. London, 1883, S. 126–172 (S. 140 und 161) ([21])