„That the selection was contested, thanks to Ekepule [member of the Assembly] O’love Jacobsen, confirms our determination under the Westminster system of government to adhere and uphold one of the fundamental principles of democracy.“ Niue Fono Ekepule retains Premier and Speaker Niue government press release. 13. April 2005. Archivlink
„If the principle of democracy is going to be upheld, then it is very important that people do need to go to the polls and not have them unopposed and become duly elected.“ Concern in Niue about lack of contest in June polls.Radio New Zealand International. rnzi.com vom 27. Mai 2008.
„That the selection was contested, thanks to Ekepule [member of the Assembly] O’love Jacobsen, confirms our determination under the Westminster system of government to adhere and uphold one of the fundamental principles of democracy.“ Niue Fono Ekepule retains Premier and Speaker Niue government press release. 13. April 2005. Archivlink