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Carlos López-Otín, Judith S. Bond: Proteases: Multifunctional Enzymes in Life and Disease. In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. Band283, Nr.45, November 2008, S.30433–30437, doi:10.1074/jbc.R800035200, PMID 18650443, PMC 2576539 (freier Volltext) – ( [abgerufen am 2. Oktober 2022]).
Carlos López-Otín, Judith S. Bond: Proteases: Multifunctional Enzymes in Life and Disease. In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. Band283, Nr.45, November 2008, S.30433–30437, doi:10.1074/jbc.R800035200, PMID 18650443, PMC 2576539 (freier Volltext) – ( [abgerufen am 2. Oktober 2022]).
Xose S. Puente, Carlos López-Otín: A Genomic Analysis of Rat Proteases and Protease Inhibitors. In: Genome Research. Band14, Nr.4, 14. April 2004, doi:10.1101/gr.1946304, PMID 15060002, PMC 383305 (freier Volltext).