Parry Moon: A System of Photometric Concepts. In: Journal of the Optical Society of America. Band32, Nr.6, Juni 1942, S.348–362, doi:10.1364/JOSA.32.000348: „The lumen was proposed by Blondel in 1894 and is now universally accepted. The names, phot and stilb were likewise coined by Blondel (1921) and are in general use on the Continent.“
Das Internationale Einheitensystem (SI). Deutsche Übersetzung der BIPM-Broschüre „Le Système international d’unités/The International System of Units (8e édition, 2006)“. In: PTB-Mitteilungen. Band117, Nr.2, 2007, S.29 (Online [PDF; 1,4MB]).