Capers Jones: Software Assessments, Benchmarks, and Best Practices. Addison-Wesley, 2000, ISBN 0-201-48542-7, Kap.3, S.99 (englisch, [abgerufen am 29. Mai 2022]): “The relationship between quality and productivity is well supported by emperical data, even if the topic is not well understood by the industry as a whole. As far back as the early 1970s, IBM discovered that software projects with the lowest levels of defects had the shortest development schedules and the highest development productivity. The reason for this situation is because software defect removal is actually the most expensive and time-consuming form of work for software.”
Herbert Krasner: The Cost of Poor Software Quality in the US. A 2022 Report - From Problem to Solutions. Hrsg.: Consortium for Information & Software Quality. 15. Dezember 2022, S.3–4 (englisch, 61 S., [PDF; abgerufen am 25. September 2024]).