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J. F. Eagle, G. S. Barrett: Congenital deficiency of abdominal musculature with associated genitourinary abnormalities: A syndrome. Report of 9 cases. In: Pediatrics. Band 6, Nummer 5, November 1950, S. 721–736, ISSN0031-4005, PMID 14797335.
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Prune-belly-Syndrom auf Urologielehrbuch.de von Dr. med. Dirk Manski, abgerufen am 28. Mai 2019
W. Obrinsky: Agenesis of abdominal muscles with associated malformation of the genitourinary tract; a clinical syndrome. In: Am J Dis Child. 1949 Mar;77(3), S. 362–373. ISSN0096-8994. PMID 18116668.
J. F. Eagle, G. S. Barrett: Congenital deficiency of abdominal musculature with associated genitourinary abnormalities: A syndrome. Report of 9 cases. In: Pediatrics. Band 6, Nummer 5, November 1950, S. 721–736, ISSN0031-4005, PMID 14797335.