Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung: Quago/Quango. Abgerufen am 16. August 2024.
New body’s waste plea. In: The Times 18. April 1986, NA. Newspapers Online Gale Document Number:CJ117886677. Abgerufen am 5. April 2008. “… London Waste Regulation Authority, the first ‘qualgo’ formed after abolition of the Greater London Council, … The new body is a joint board of councilors from London boroughs. ‘Qualgo’ stands for ‘quasi-autonomous local government organization’, the municipal equivalent of a quango, in which members are appointed by other councilors.”
N, Morris: One by one, the quangos are abolished. But at what cost? In: The Independent. 27. Juli 2010 (independent.co.uk), abgerufen am 15. August 2010.