Brian May: „Saul Swimmer had the idea that he could film a Queen concert, in a very high quality 35 mm double anamorphic way, and project the resulting film onto a huge screen three stories high, in an arena, and charge people to come and see it, like a concert. […] So, against our will, the VHS version […] was put out around 1984. Of course the concert had not been shot with this in mind. […] it was transferred at the wrong speed on to video, so the whole thing ran at the wrong pitch. We made lots of complaints, […] … the video was a thorn in our side for 25 years … out there with our name on – but something we had no control over. […] Finally, we bought the whole thing off Swimmer last year with the kind help of Eagle Rock. […] Saul Swimmer’s editors made their selection of shots to use, and the footage they left on the cutting room floor has never been seen again. So no proper re-edit of the visuals was possible. […], bits of songs are missing, and the whole of ‘Flash’ and ‘The Hero’ will never be seen because the visuals don’t exist. […] It’s one of only three concerts of Queen captured on FILM rather than crappy non-hi-res digital – they are: Live at the Rainbow in 1974, this concert, and Budapest in 1986 […].“ – Brian’s draft speech (Memento vom 3. November 2007 im Internet Archive), in: Bri’s Soapbox, 16. Oktober 2007.