Friedrich Warnecke: Das Bücherzeichen George Pflümer’s. In: Zeitschrift für Bücherzeichen – Bibliothekenkunde und Gelehrtengeschichte. Organ des Ex-libris-Vereins zu Berlin. Band4. C. A. Starke, Görlitz 1894, S.120 (Digitalisat – mit großformatiger Abbildung des Exlibris von George Pflümer).
Siehe The London Gazette, 22. Mai 1896, 3079, : „NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned Thomas Symmons and Reinhold Thiele carrying on business as Photographers at Numbers 60 and 66 Chancery-lane London W.C. under the style or firm of Symmons and Thiele has been dissolved by mutual consent as and from the 7th day of May 1896. The said Thomas Symmons will carry on business at 60 Chancery-lane W.C. The said Reinhold Thiele will carry on business at 66 Chancery-lane W.C. — Dated this 7th day of May 1896. THOS. SYMMONS. REINHOLD THIELE.“