Eine Liste der rund 3000 bis zum 13. Februar 2009 entschiedenen oder noch anhängigen Anerkennungsverfahren von Residential Schools findet sich hier (PDF, 268 kB): Decision (PDF; 271 kB).
Vgl. Robert Carney: Aboriginal Residential Schools Before Confederation: The Early Experience. In: Canadian Catholic Historical Association, Historical Studies 61 (1995) 13-40, digital: (PDF).
Den wortgetreuen Text liefert beispielsweise Text of Harper’s apology – World News Australia (Memento vom 14. September 2008 im Internet Archive). Die übersetzte Passage lautet: „Today, we recognize that this policy of assimilation was wrong, has caused great harm, and has no place in our country.“ und „The government now recognizes that the consequences of the Indian residential schools policy were profoundly negative and that this policy has had a lasting and damaging impact on aboriginal culture, heritage and language.“ sowie „The government recognizes that the absence of an apology has been an impediment to healing and reconciliation.“. Die Antworten von 2 Vertretern der First Nations bei Pleßl, s. Weblinks, S. 65ff.