Richard A. Lupoff: SF Recollections., Timebinders, Januar 1995, abgerufen am 12. Mai 2018.
„I’ve always thought of myself as a story-teller rather than as a science fiction writer, or a mystery writer, or a mainstream writer. Those category and subcategory designations are useful. I’m not opposed to taxonomy. But I think that existence does indeed precede essence. What I do then, is approach each story as an entity unto itself, and try to write it as best I can. If that calls for a formal, stylized approach, then that’s what I use. If a story is best told in a naturalistic, informal manner, I’ll do that. Similarly, if a given notion or feeling or image seems best expressed as a supernatural horror story or a humorous fantasy, I’ll write it that way. Some critics have suggested that I’m forever hiding behind masks, a great variety of masks, and they would like to see the “real” Dick Lupoff who’s lurking behind those artificial personas. But in fact I think it’s more a matter of face-paint than of masks. The colors and patterns of the paint may change but the face is always the same.“ Nick Gevers: Behind the Face-paint : An Interview with Richard A Lupoff. Infinity Plus, 21. April 2001, abgerufen am 12. Mai 2018.