R. J. Harrison: Multiovular Follicles in the Ovaries of Lower Primates. In: Nature. Band164, Nr.4166, September 1949, ISSN0028-0836, S.409–410, doi:10.1038/164409a0.
E. C. Amoroso, R. J. Harrison, L. Harrison Matthews, I. W. Rowlands: Reproductive Organs of Near-Term and New-Born Seals. In: Nature. Band168, Nr.4279, November 1951, ISSN0028-0836, S.771–772, doi:10.1038/168771a0.
R. J. Harrison: Multiovular Follicles in the Ovaries of Lower Primates. In: Nature. Band164, Nr.4166, September 1949, ISSN0028-0836, S.409–410, doi:10.1038/164409a0.
E. C. Amoroso, R. J. Harrison, L. Harrison Matthews, I. W. Rowlands: Reproductive Organs of Near-Term and New-Born Seals. In: Nature. Band168, Nr.4279, November 1951, ISSN0028-0836, S.771–772, doi:10.1038/168771a0.