fpp.co.uk Auch Armin D. Lehmann beruft sich darauf, dass Schulze-Kossens zu Protokoll gegeben hätte, dass „even in his most secret conclabes with Himmler, the extermination of the Jews was never discussed“, vergleiche In Hitler’s Bunker. A Boy Soldier’s Eyewitness Account of the Fuhrer’s Last Days. 2005, S. 97.
Siehe: David Irving: Hitler and Holocaust Denial. Electronic Edition (Dokument 500), hdot.orgIm Original heißt es: „Richard Schulze-Kossens said that he did not realise that Irving claimed in his book that Hitler didn't know: [Schulze-Kossens zitierend] 'I thought it [Irvings Buch] just says that Hitler didn't give the order for the extermination. One must of course conclude that he knew – I can't believe, knowing Himmler, that he would have acted off his own bat […].’“