RuBisCO (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "RuBisCO" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
4th place
7th place
2nd place
3rd place
5,673rd place
995th place
low place
low place
123rd place
6th place
1,160th place
2,116th place
low place
low place
1,293rd place
678th place
3,555th place
2,903rd place

  • Finn, MW. und Tabita, FR. (2004): Modified pathway to synthesize ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate in methanogenic archaea. In: J Bacteriol. 186(19); 6360–6366; PMID 15375115; PDF (freier Volltextzugriff, engl.)

  • Luca Schulz, Zhijun Guo, Jan Zarzycki, Wieland Steinchen, Jan M. Schuller: Evolution of increased complexity and specificity at the dawn of form I Rubiscos. In: Science. Band 378, Nr. 6616, 14. Oktober 2022, ISSN 0036-8075, S. 155–160, doi:10.1126/science.abq1416 ( [abgerufen am 14. Oktober 2022]).
  • Mueller-Cajar, O. und Badger, MR. (2007): New roads lead to RuBisCO in archaebacteria. In: Bioessays 29(8); 722–724; PMID 17621634; doi:10.1002/bies.20616
  • Sato, T. et al. (2007): Archaeal type III RuBisCOs function in a pathway for AMP metabolism. In: Science 315(5814); 1003–1006; PMID 17303759; doi:10.1126/science.1135999
  • Ashida H. et al. (2003): A functional link between RuBisCO-like protein of Bacillus and photosynthetic RuBisCO. In: Science 302(5643); 286–290; PMID 14551435; doi:10.1126/science.1086997

  • Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and Peter Walter: NCBI Books: Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th edition. New York: Garland Science; 2002., abgerufen am 4. März 2021.
  • Tabita, F.R., Hanson, T.E., Li, H., Satagopan, S., Singh, J. and Tabita, S.C. (2007) Function, structure, and evolution of the RuBisCO-like proteins and their RuBisCO homologs. In: Microbiol Mol Biol Rev, 71(4), 576–599; PMID 18063718; PMC 2168653 (freier Volltext)
  • Tcherkez, G.G. et al. (2006): Despite slow catalysis and confused substrate specificity, all ribulose bisphosphate carboxylases may be nearly perfectly optimized. In: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. Bd. 103, S. 7246–7251. PMID 16641091; PDF (freier Volltextzugriff, engl.)
  • Mueller-Cajar, O. und Badger, MR. (2007): New roads lead to RuBisCO in archaebacteria. In: Bioessays 29(8); 722–724; PMID 17621634; doi:10.1002/bies.20616
  • Sato, T. et al. (2007): Archaeal type III RuBisCOs function in a pathway for AMP metabolism. In: Science 315(5814); 1003–1006; PMID 17303759; doi:10.1126/science.1135999
  • Finn, MW. und Tabita, FR. (2004): Modified pathway to synthesize ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate in methanogenic archaea. In: J Bacteriol. 186(19); 6360–6366; PMID 15375115; PDF (freier Volltextzugriff, engl.)
  • Ashida H. et al. (2003): A functional link between RuBisCO-like protein of Bacillus and photosynthetic RuBisCO. In: Science 302(5643); 286–290; PMID 14551435; doi:10.1126/science.1086997

  • Tcherkez, G.G. et al. (2006): Despite slow catalysis and confused substrate specificity, all ribulose bisphosphate carboxylases may be nearly perfectly optimized. In: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. Bd. 103, S. 7246–7251. PMID 16641091; PDF (freier Volltextzugriff, engl.)

  • Luca Schulz, Zhijun Guo, Jan Zarzycki, Wieland Steinchen, Jan M. Schuller: Evolution of increased complexity and specificity at the dawn of form I Rubiscos. In: Science. Band 378, Nr. 6616, 14. Oktober 2022, ISSN 0036-8075, S. 155–160, doi:10.1126/science.abq1416 ( [abgerufen am 14. Oktober 2022]).

  • Luca Schulz, Zhijun Guo, Jan Zarzycki, Wieland Steinchen, Jan M. Schuller: Evolution of increased complexity and specificity at the dawn of form I Rubiscos. In: Science. Band 378, Nr. 6616, 14. Oktober 2022, ISSN 0036-8075, S. 155–160, doi:10.1126/science.abq1416 ( [abgerufen am 14. Oktober 2022]).