Select Species and Breed to View Data. Animal Genetic Resources of India, abgerufen am 31. Dezember 2020 (englisch, Datenbank zu verschiedenen Rinderrassen).
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (Hrsg.): Estimated livestock population breed wise based on breed survey 2013. 3.3 Cattle Indigenous, S.16 (englisch, PDF).
Samuel M. Mbuku, Thomas Magothe, Mary Mbole-Kariuki, Erick Mungube: Handbook on Sahiwal Cattle Good Management Practices. A Technical Handbook - Joint Publication of the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, and African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources. Nairobi, Kenia 2019, S.78ff. (englisch, PDF).