W. Dzik: The Existence of Lindenbaum’s Extensions is Equivalent to the Axiom of Choice. In: Reports on Mathematical Logic. Band12, 1981, S.29–31. D.W. Miller: Some Restricted Lindenbaum Theorems Equivalent to the Axiom of Choice. In: Logica Universalis. Band1, Nr.1, 2007, ISSN1661-8297, S.183–199 (warwick.ac.uk [PDF]).
W. Dzik: The Existence of Lindenbaum’s Extensions is Equivalent to the Axiom of Choice. In: Reports on Mathematical Logic. Band12, 1981, S.29–31. D.W. Miller: Some Restricted Lindenbaum Theorems Equivalent to the Axiom of Choice. In: Logica Universalis. Band1, Nr.1, 2007, ISSN1661-8297, S.183–199 (warwick.ac.uk [PDF]).