Operation Arrow, Task Force Hawk and Air Power. (PDF) In: National Security Watch. ausa.org, 8. Juni 1999, abgerufen am 23. Oktober 2021 (englisch, Zitat: The aim of the operation was to seize control of the highway between the cities of Pec and Prizren and to destroy Yugoslav forces, both Yugoslav Army (VJ) and internal police (MUP), in the border area. If successful, such an operation would effectively wrest control of southwest Kosovo away from Yugoslavia.).
Klejda Mulaj: Resisting an Oppressive Regime: The Case of Kosovo Liberation Army. In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. Band31, Nr.12, 2008, S.1103–1119, S. 1114, doi:10.1080/10576100802510660 („Holding the top of that hill was extremely important.“).
John Barry: Nato's Game Of Chicken. In: Newsweek. 25. Juli 1999, abgerufen am 23. Oktober 2021 (englisch).