Schramm-Löwner-Evolution (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Schramm-Löwner-Evolution" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
69th place
189th place
low place
low place
2,594th place
400th place

  • Lawler, Schramm, Werner, On the scaling limit of planar self-avoiding walk, in: Fractal geometry and applications: a jubilee of Benoit Mandelbrot, Symp. Pure Math. 72, Part 2, AMS, 2004, Arxiv
  • Smirnov, Hugo Duminil-Copin, Hongler, Kemppainen, Chelkak, Convergence of Ising interfaces to Schramm's SLE curves, Arxiv 2013
  • Schramm, Scott Sheffield, The harmonic explorer and its convergence to SLE(4), Annals of Probability, Band 33, 2005, 2127-2148, Arxiv
  • Smirnov, Werner: Critical exponents for two-dimensional percolation, Math. Res. Lett., Band 8, 2001, S. 729–744, Arxiv
  • Michel Bauer, Denis Bernard, growth processes and conformal field theories, Phys. Lett. B, Band 543, 2002, S. 135–138, Arxiv
  • Bauer, Bernard, Conformal field theories of Stochastic Loewner Evolutions, Comm. Math. Phys., Band 239, 2003, S. 493–521, Arxiv
  • Beffara, The dimension of the SLE curves, Annals of Probability, Band 36, 2008, S. 1421–1452, Arxiv

  • Löwner, Untersuchungen über schlichte konforme Abbildungen des Einheitskreises, I, Mathematische Annalen, Band 89, 1923, S. 103–121, Digitalisat