Seduction of the Innocent, Kapitel “I Want to be a Sex Maniac” (Memento vom 2. Februar 2013 im Internet Archive). Originalzitat: “One boy said about Superman, ‘It teaches “crime does not pay” - but it teaches crime.’ Another said, ‘Superman is bad because they make him sort of a God.’ Still another, ‘Superman is bad because if the children believe Superman they will believe most anything.’ (…) Several years ago a California psychiatrist pointed out that the Batman stories are psychologically homosexual. Our researches confirm this entirely. Only someone ignorant of the fundamentals of psychiatry and of the psychopathology of sex can fail to realize a subtle atmosphere of homoerotism which pervades the adventures of the mature ‘Batman’ and his young friend ‘Robin.’ (…) The Lesbian counterpart of Batman may be found in the stories of Wonder Woman and Black Cat. The homosexual connotation of the Wonder Woman type of story is psychologically unmistakable. [It] which portrays extremely sadistic hatred of all males in a framework which is plainly Lesbian. (…) Where Batman is anti-feminine, the attractive Wonder Woman and her counterparts are definitely anti-masculine.”