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G. S. Shields, W. G. Moons, G. M. Slavich: Inflammation, Self-Regulation, and Health: An Immunologic Model of Self-Regulatory Failure. In: Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. Band 12, Nummer 4, 07 2017, S. 588–612, doi:10.1177/1745691616689091, PMID 28679069, PMC 5519413 (freier Volltext) (Review).
Manuela Sellitto, Elisa Ciaramelli, Giuseppe di Pellegrino: The neurobiology of intertemporal choice: insight from imaging and lesion studies. In: Reviews in the Neurosciences. Band22, Nr.5, 2011, ISSN0334-1763, S.565–574, doi:10.1515/RNS.2011.046, PMID 21967518.
Manuela Sellitto, Elisa Ciaramelli, Giuseppe di Pellegrino: The neurobiology of intertemporal choice: insight from imaging and lesion studies. In: Reviews in the Neurosciences. Band22, Nr.5, 2011, ISSN0334-1763, S.565–574, doi:10.1515/RNS.2011.046, PMID 21967518.