Collaboration: Authors and editors of the volumes III/17E-17F-41C: Silver selenide (Ag2Se) crystal structure, lattice parameters. In: O. Madelung, U. Rössler, M. Schulz (Hrsg.): Non-Tetrahedrally Bonded Elements and Binary Compounds I (= Landolt-Börnstein - Group III Condensed Matter). Band41C. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg 1998, ISBN 3-540-64583-7, S.1–4, doi:10.1007/10681727_93.
Y. I. Aliyev, A. G. Babayev, D. I. Ismayilov, Y. G. Asadov: The structural and thermodynamic aspects of polymorphic transformations in Ag2Se. In: Fizika. vol.XII, Nr.3, 2007, S.56–61 ( [PDF; abgerufen am 17. April 2014]).