Johann Beckmann, William Johnston, William Francis, John William Griffith: A history of inventions, discoveries, and origins. Henry G. Bohn, London 1846, Cobalt, Zaffer, Smalt, S.483 (englisch, Textarchiv – Internet Archive). “the invention seems to fall about 1540 or 1560. […] Christopher Schurer, a glass-maker at Platten, a place which still belongs to Bohemia, retired to Neudeck, where he established his business.”
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Sarah Maltoni, Tania Chinni, Mariangela Vandini, Enrico Cirelli, Alberta Silvestri, Gianmario Molin: Archaeological and archaeometric study of the glass finds from the ancient harbour of Classe (Ravenna-Italy). New evidence. In: Heritage Science. Band3, Nr.1, Dezember 2015, S.1–19, doi:10.1186/s40494-015-0034-5 (englisch).
E. Palamara, N. Zacharias, L. Papakosta, D. Palles, E.I. Kamitsos, J. Pérez-Arantegui: Studying a Funerary Roman Vessel Glass Collection from Patras, Greece. An Interdisciplinary Characterisation and Use Study. In: STAR: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research. Band2, Nr.2, 3. Oktober 2016, ISSN2054-8923, S.203–216, doi:10.1080/20548923.2016.1239868 (englisch).
R. Arletti, M.C. Dalconi, S. Quartieri, M. Triscari, G. Vezzalini: Roman coloured and opaque glass. A chemical and spectroscopic study. In: Applied Physics A. Band83, Nr.2, Mai 2006, S.239–245, doi:10.1007/s00339-006-3515-2 (englisch).
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Joyce Plesters: A Preliminary Note on the Incidence of Discolouration of Smalt in Oil Media. In: International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (Hrsg.): Studies in Conservation. Band14, Nr.2. Taylor & Francis, 1. Mai 1969, ISSN0039-3630, S.62–74, doi:10.1179/sic.1969.006.
Laurianne Robinet, Marika Spring, Sandrine Pagès-Camagna, Delphine Vantelon, Nicolas Trcera: Investigation of the Discoloration of Smalt Pigment in Historic Paintings by Micro-X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy at the Co K-Edge. In: American Chemical Society ACS (Hrsg.): Analytical Chemistry. Band83, Nr.13, 1. Juli 2011, ISSN0003-2700, S.5145–5152, doi:10.1021/ac200184f.
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Erika Michael: Hans Holbein the Younger: A Guide to Research. Garland, New York / London 1997, ISBN 0-8153-0389-0 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche).
Marika Spring, Catherine Higgitt, David Saunders: Investigation of Pigment-Medium Interaction Processes in Oil Paint containing Degraded Smalt. In: National Gallery Company Limited, Ashok Roy (Hrsg.): National Gallery Technical Bulletin. Band26. Yale University Press, 2005, ISSN0140-7430, S.56–70 (englisch, [PDF; 4,7MB; abgerufen am 11. Januar 2018]).
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Jaap J. Boon, Joyce Townsend: The changing properties of smalt over time. Project January 2007 – January 2007. In: Tate gallery, abgerufen am 20. Dezember 2021 (englisch). “Being a glass, smalt is transparent and the colour is never strong.”
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Smalt.; abgerufen am 19. Januar 2018.
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E. Palamara, N. Zacharias, L. Papakosta, D. Palles, E.I. Kamitsos, J. Pérez-Arantegui: Studying a Funerary Roman Vessel Glass Collection from Patras, Greece. An Interdisciplinary Characterisation and Use Study. In: STAR: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research. Band2, Nr.2, 3. Oktober 2016, ISSN2054-8923, S.203–216, doi:10.1080/20548923.2016.1239868 (englisch).
Bernhard Neumann, Gertrud Kotyga: Antike Gläser, ihre Zusammensetzung und Färbung. In: Angewandte Chemie. Band38, Nr.38. Wiley-VCH, 17. September 1925, ISSN1521-3757, S.857–864, doi:10.1002/ange.19250383803.
Marika Spring, Catherine Higgitt, David Saunders: Investigation of Pigment-Medium Interaction Processes in Oil Paint containing Degraded Smalt. In: National Gallery Company Limited, Ashok Roy (Hrsg.): National Gallery Technical Bulletin. Band26. Yale University Press, 2005, ISSN0140-7430, S.56–70 (englisch, [PDF; 4,7MB; abgerufen am 11. Januar 2018]).
Joyce Plesters: A Preliminary Note on the Incidence of Discolouration of Smalt in Oil Media. In: International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (Hrsg.): Studies in Conservation. Band14, Nr.2. Taylor & Francis, 1. Mai 1969, ISSN0039-3630, S.62–74, doi:10.1179/sic.1969.006.
Laurianne Robinet, Marika Spring, Sandrine Pagès-Camagna, Delphine Vantelon, Nicolas Trcera: Investigation of the Discoloration of Smalt Pigment in Historic Paintings by Micro-X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy at the Co K-Edge. In: American Chemical Society ACS (Hrsg.): Analytical Chemistry. Band83, Nr.13, 1. Juli 2011, ISSN0003-2700, S.5145–5152, doi:10.1021/ac200184f.