Somatischer Zellkerntransfer (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Somatischer Zellkerntransfer" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
4th place
7th place
2nd place
3rd place
1st place
1st place
123rd place
6th place
301st place
369th place
2,106th place
139th place
4,066th place
262nd place
2,088th place
3,648th place
7th place
19th place
772nd place
484th place
774th place
980th place
97th place
125th place
low place
low place
2,446th place
low place
2,187th place
2,625th place
2,814th place
1,573rd place
234th place
203rd place
857th place
511th place

  • Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine: Human somatic cell nuclear transfer and cloning. In: Fertility and sterility. Band 98, Nummer 4, Oktober 2012, S. 804–807, ISSN 1556-5653. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2012.06.045. PMID 22795681.
  • Karl Illmensee, Peter C. Hoppe: Nuclear transplantation in mus musculus: Developmental potential of nuclei from preimplantation embryos. In: Cell. 1981, Band 23, Nummer 1, S. 9–18 doi:10.1016/0092-8674(81)90265-8.
  • James McGrath, Davor Solter: Inability of Mouse Blastomere Nuclei Transferred to Enucleated Zygotes to Support Development in Vitro. In: Science. 1984, Band 226, Nummer 4680, S. 1317–1319 doi:10.1126/science.6542249.
  • M. Tachibana, P. Amato, M. Sparman, N. M. Gutierrez, R. Tippner-Hedges, H. Ma, E. Kang, A. Fulati, H. S. Lee, H. Sritanaudomchai, K. Masterson, J. Larson, D. Eaton, K. Sadler-Fredd, D. Battaglia, D. Lee, D. Wu, J. Jensen, P. Patton, S. Gokhale, R. L. Stouffer, D. Wolf, S. Mitalipov: Human embryonic stem cells derived by somatic cell nuclear transfer. In: Cell. Band 153, Nummer 6, Juni 2013, S. 1228–1238, doi:10.1016/j.cell.2013.05.006, PMID 23683578, PMC 3772789 (freier Volltext).
  • Young Gie Chung, Jin Hee Eum, Jeoung Eun Lee, Sung Han Shim, Vicken Sepilian, Seung Wook Hong, Yumie Lee, Nathan R. Treff, Young Ho Choi, Erin A. Kimbrel, Ralph E. Dittman, Robert Lanza, Dong Ryul Lee: Human somatic cell nuclear transfer using adult cells. In: Cell stem cell. Band 14, Nummer 6, Juni 2014, S. 777–780, doi:10.1016/j.stem.2014.03.015, PMID 24746675. (freier Volltext)
  • Zhen Liu, Yijun Cai, Yan Wang, Yanhong Nie, Chenchen Zhang: Cloning of Macaque Monkeys by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. In: Cell. Band 0, Nr. 0, ISSN 0092-8674, doi:10.1016/j.cell.2018.01.020 (Online [abgerufen am 26. Januar 2018]).
  • David Cyranoski: First monkeys cloned with technique that made Dolly the sheep. 24. Januar 2018, doi:10.1038/d41586-018-01027-z (Online [abgerufen am 26. Januar 2018]).

  • Jean-Claude C. Beetschen, Jean-Louis L. Fischer: Yves Delage (1854–1920) as a Forerunner of Modern Nuclear Transfer Experiments. In: International Journal of Developmental Biology (2004), Bd. 48, S. 607–12. PMID 15470632. PDF.

  • Lütjen-Drecoll E., e.a.: Funktionelle Embryologie: Die Entwicklung der Funktionssysteme des menschlichen Organismus, Schattauer Verlag, 2006, S. 171, ISBN 3794524519, hier online

  • S. Yamanaka, H. M. Blau: Nuclear reprogramming to a pluripotent state by three approaches. In: Nature (2010), Bd. 465(7299), S. 704–12. PMID 20535199; PMC 2901154 (freier Volltext).
  • S. Wakayama, T. Wakayama: Improvement of mouse cloning using nuclear transfer-derived embryonic stem cells and/or histone deacetylase inhibitor. In: Int J Dev Biol. (2010), Bd. 54(11-12), S. 1641–8. PMID 21404185.
  • C. Palmieri, P. Loi, G. Ptak, L. Della Salda: Review paper: a review of the pathology of abnormal placentae of somatic cell nuclear transfer clone pregnancies in cattle, sheep, and mice. In: Vet Pathol. (2008), Bd. 45(6), S. 865–80. PMID 18984789.
  • P. Chavatte-Palmer, S. Camous, H. Jammes, N. Le Cleac'h, M. Guillomot, R. S. Lee: Review: Placental perturbations induce the developmental abnormalities often observed in bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer. In: Placenta (2012), Bd. 33 Suppl, S. S99-S104. PMID 22000472.
  • Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine: Human somatic cell nuclear transfer and cloning. In: Fertility and sterility. Band 98, Nummer 4, Oktober 2012, S. 804–807, ISSN 1556-5653. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2012.06.045. PMID 22795681.
  • Jean-Claude C. Beetschen, Jean-Louis L. Fischer: Yves Delage (1854–1920) as a Forerunner of Modern Nuclear Transfer Experiments. In: International Journal of Developmental Biology (2004), Bd. 48, S. 607–12. PMID 15470632. PDF.
  • R. Briggs, T. J. King: Transplantation of Living Nuclei From Blastula Cells into Enucleated Frogs' Eggs. In: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1952), Bd. 38(5), S. 455–63. PMID 16589125; PMC 1063586 (freier Volltext).
  • Maria A. Di Berardino, Robert G. McKinnell: The Pathway to Animal Cloning and Beyond – Robert Briggs (1911–1983) and Thomas J. King (1921–2000). In: Journal of Experimental Zoology Part a-Comparative Experimental Biology (2004), Bd. 301A, S. 275–9. PMID 15039985.
  • John B. Gurdon, T. R. Elsdale, M. Fischberg: Sexually mature individuals of Xenopus laevis from the transplantation of single somatic nuclei. In: Nature (1958), Bd. 182(4627), S. 64–5. PMID 13566187.
  • John Gurdon: Nuclear reprogramming in eggs. In: Nat Med. (2009), Bd. 15(10), S. 1141–4. PMID 19812574.
  • I. Wilmut, A. E. Schnieke, J. McWhir, A. J. Kind, K. H. Campbell: Viable offspring derived from fetal and adult mammalian cells. In: Nature (1997), Bd. 385(6619), S. 810–3. Erratum in: Nature 1997, Bd. 386(6621), S. 200. PMID 9039911.
  • Konrad Hochedlinger, R. Jaenisch: Monoclonal mice generated by nuclear transfer from mature B and T donor cells. In: Nature (2002), Bd. 415(6875), S. 1035–8. PMID 11875572.
  • M. Tachibana, P. Amato, M. Sparman, N. M. Gutierrez, R. Tippner-Hedges, H. Ma, E. Kang, A. Fulati, H. S. Lee, H. Sritanaudomchai, K. Masterson, J. Larson, D. Eaton, K. Sadler-Fredd, D. Battaglia, D. Lee, D. Wu, J. Jensen, P. Patton, S. Gokhale, R. L. Stouffer, D. Wolf, S. Mitalipov: Human embryonic stem cells derived by somatic cell nuclear transfer. In: Cell. Band 153, Nummer 6, Juni 2013, S. 1228–1238, doi:10.1016/j.cell.2013.05.006, PMID 23683578, PMC 3772789 (freier Volltext).
  • Young Gie Chung, Jin Hee Eum, Jeoung Eun Lee, Sung Han Shim, Vicken Sepilian, Seung Wook Hong, Yumie Lee, Nathan R. Treff, Young Ho Choi, Erin A. Kimbrel, Ralph E. Dittman, Robert Lanza, Dong Ryul Lee: Human somatic cell nuclear transfer using adult cells. In: Cell stem cell. Band 14, Nummer 6, Juni 2014, S. 777–780, doi:10.1016/j.stem.2014.03.015, PMID 24746675. (freier Volltext)

  • Dennis Normile: These monkey twins are the first primate clones made by the method that developed Dolly. In: Science. 24. Januar 2018 (Online [abgerufen am 27. Januar 2018]).

  • Jeremy Rifkin. (February 18, 2002). Fusion Biopolitics. The Nation. Abgerufen am 7. August 2006.