Andrew Barker: Film Reviews: Source Code.Variety, 11. März 2011, archiviert vom Original am 12. August 2011; abgerufen am 28. September 2011 (englisch): „Solid execution and some provocative ideas can’t save ‚Source Code‘ from a fatal hubris, as it thinks itself far more clever than it actually is and assumes it’s earned emotions at which it’s only hinted.“
Matt Neal: Review: Source Code. The Warrnambool Standard, 22. September 2011, abgerufen am 28. September 2011 (englisch): „The search for some extra meaning at the end of the film does seem a bit of an afterthought, the pacing and repetition may put some people off, and the occasionally necessary exposition is heavy but this intelligent sci-fi-thriller is a worthy follow-up to Moon that marks Jones as one of the best new filmmakers around.“
Andrew Barker: Film Reviews: Source Code.Variety, 11. März 2011, archiviert vom Original am 12. August 2011; abgerufen am 28. September 2011 (englisch): „Solid execution and some provocative ideas can’t save ‚Source Code‘ from a fatal hubris, as it thinks itself far more clever than it actually is and assumes it’s earned emotions at which it’s only hinted.“