Carolyn Dean: The Inka Married the Earth: Integrated Outcrops and the Making of Place. In: The Art Bulletin. September 2007, Band 89, Nr. 3, S. 502–518, doi:10.1080/00043079.2007.10786358; (Preview)
Jessica Joyce Christie: Memory landscapes of the Inka carved outcrops. Lexington Books 2015, S. 44 (
Jessica Joyce Christie: Memory landscapes of the Inka carved outcrops. Lexington Books 2015, S. 44 f. (
Carolyn Dean: The Inka Married the Earth: Integrated Outcrops and the Making of Place. In: The Art Bulletin. September 2007, Band 89, Nr. 3, S. 502–518, doi:10.1080/00043079.2007.10786358; (Preview)