Eintrag auf der Internetseite der Academia Europaea
Robert M. Chervin, W. Lawrence Gates, Stephen H. Schneider: The effect of time averaging on the noise level of climatological statistics generated by atmospheric General Circulation Models. In: Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. Band31, 1974, S.2216- 2219 (Online).
Robert M. Chervin, Stephen H. Schneider: On determining the statistical significance of climate experiments with General Circulation Models. In: Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. Band33, 1976, S.405–412 (Online).
Robert M. Chervin, Warren M. Washington, Stephen H. Schneider: Testing the statistical significance of the response of the NCAR General Circulation Model to North Pacific ocean surface temperature anomalies. In: Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. Band33, 1976, S.413–423 (Online).
Julian L. Simon: Resources and Population: A Wagner. In: APS News. Band5, Nr.3, 1996, S.12 (Online [PDF]).
Stephen H. Schneider: Don't Bet All Environmental Changes Will Be Beneficial. In: APS News. Band5, Nr.8, 1996 (Online). (Replik von Schneider auf Simon's Artikel).
S. Ishtiaque Rasool, Stephen H. Schneider: Atmospheric carbon dioxide and aerosols: Effects of large increases on global climate. In: Science. Band173, Nr.3992, 1971, S.138–141, doi:10.1126/science.173.3992.138 (Online).
Starley L. Thompson, Stephen H. Schneider: Carbon dioxide and climate: Has a signal been observed yet? In: Nature. Band295, Nr.5851, 1982, S.645–646, doi:10.1038/295645a0.
IPCC: Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, R.K. Pachauri and L.A. Meyer (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, 2014 (Seite 11). Abgerufen am 26. April 2015.
S. Ishtiaque Rasool, Stephen H. Schneider: Atmospheric carbon dioxide and aerosols: Effects of large increases on global climate. In: Science. Band173, Nr.3992, 1971, S.138–141, doi:10.1126/science.173.3992.138 (Online).
Michael D. Mastrandrea: Stephen Henry Schneider (1945–2010). A voice of reason in climate-change science and policy. In: Nature. Band466, 19. August 2010, S.933 (Online [PDF]).