'Styx': Film Review | Berlin 2018.The Hollywood Reporter, abgerufen am 6. Dezember 2018 (englisch): „Admirably, the director maintains the documentary illusion throughout, opting for a third act that finds exactly the right, understated tone, neither glorifying Rike’s role, nor underplaying the character’s more than obvious compassion […].“
DOT.magazine 056. In: Issuu. (Online [abgerufen am 26. November 2018]).
Jessica Kiang: Berlin Film Review: ‘Styx’. In: Variety. 24. Februar 2018, abgerufen am 6. Dezember 2018 (englisch): „This is “All Is Lost” with a spinning moral compass and a topical dimension that proves even more gripping than its brilliantly achieved visceral action.“