Störung der Sinnesverarbeitung (German Wikipedia)

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  • B. E. Stein, T. R. Stanford, B. A. Rowland: The neural basis of multisensory integration in the midbrain: its organization and maturation. In: Hear. Res. Band 258, Nr. 1–2, Dezember 2009, S. 4–15, doi:10.1016/j.heares.2009.03.012, PMID 19345256, PMC 2787841 (freier Volltext).
  • J. Cosbey, S. S. Johnston, M. L. Dunn: Sensory processing disorders and social participation. In: Am J Occup Ther. Band 64, Nr. 3, 2010, S. 462–473, doi:10.5014/ajot.2010.09076, PMID 20608277.
  • Lucy Jane Miller, M. E. Anzalone, S. J. Lane, S. A. Cermak, E. T. Osten: Concept evolution in sensory integration: a proposed nosology for diagnosis. In: Am J Occup Ther. Band 61, Nr. 2, 2007, S. 135–140, doi:10.5014/ajot.61.2.135, PMID 17436834. online (Memento vom 24. Oktober 2012 im Internet Archive)
  • L. J. Miller, D. M. Nielsen, S. A. Schoen, B. A. Brett-Green: Perspectives on sensory processing disorder: a call for translational research. In: Front Integr Neurosci. Band 3, 2009, S. 22, doi:10.3389/neuro.07.022.2009.
  • M. Zimmer, L. Desch: Sensory integration therapies for children with developmental and behavioral disorders. In: Pediatrics. Band 129, Nr. 6, Juni 2012, S. 1186–1189, doi:10.1542/peds.2012-0876, PMID 22641765.
  • K. James, L. J. Miller, R. Schaaf, D. M. Nielsen, S. A. Schoen: Phenotypes within sensory modulation dysfunction. In: Compr Psychiatry. Band 52, Nr. 6, 2011, S. 715–724, doi:10.1016/j.comppsych.2010.11.010, PMID (Memento vom 25. Oktober 2012 im Internet Archive)
  • M. Kinnealey, K. P. Koenig, S. Smith: Relationships between sensory modulation and social supports and health-related quality of life. In: Am J Occup Therapy. Band 65, Nr. 3, 2011, S. 320–327, doi:10.5014/ajot.2011.001370.
  • R. C. Schaaf, T. Benevides, EI. Blanche, et al.: Parasympathetic functions in children with sensory processing disorder. In: Front Integr Neurosci. Band 4, 2010, S. 4, doi:10.3389/fnint.2010.00004, PMID 20300470, PMC 2839854 (freier Volltext). online (Memento vom 25. Oktober 2012 im Internet Archive)
  • W. N. Bair, T. Kiemel, J. J. Jeka, J. E. Clark: Development of multisensory reweighting is impaired for quiet stance control in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). In: PLoS ONE. Band 7, Nr. 7, 2012, S. e40932, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0040932, PMID 22815872, PMC 3399799 (freier Volltext).
  • P. L. Davies, W. J. Gavin: Validating the diagnosis of sensory processing disorders using EEG technology. In: Am J Occup Ther. Band 61, Nr. 2, 2007, S. 176–189, doi:10.5014/ajot.61.2.176, PMID 17436840.
  • H. H. Goldsmith, C. A. Van Hulle, C. L. Arneson, J. E. Schreiber, M. A. Gernsbacher: A Population-Based Twin Study of Parentally Reported Tactile and Auditory Defensiveness in Young Children. In: Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. Band 34, Nr. 3, Juni 2006, S. 393–407, doi:10.1007/s10802-006-9024-0, PMC 2695879 (freier Volltext). online (Memento vom 24. Oktober 2012 im Internet Archive)
  • P. L. Davies, W. P. Chang, W. J. Gavin: Maturation of sensory gating performance in children with and without sensory processing disorders. In: Int J Psychophysiol. Band 72, Nr. 2, Mai 2009, S. 187–197, doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2008.12.007, PMID 19146890, PMC 2695879 (freier Volltext).
  • M. A. Kisley, T. L. Noecker, P. M. Guinther: Comparison of sensory gating to mismatch negativity and self-reported perceptual phenomena in healthy adults. In: Psychophysiology. Band 41, Nr. 4, Juli 2004, S. 604–612, doi:10.1111/j.1469-8986.2004.00191.x, PMID (Memento vom 16. März 2015 im Internet Archive)
  • M. L. Schneider, C. F. Moore, LL Gajewski et al.: Sensory processing disorder in a primate model: evidence from a longitudinal study of prenatal alcohol and prenatal stress effects. In: Child Dev. Band 79, Nr. 1, 2008, S. 100–113, doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.2007.01113.x, PMID (Memento vom 12. Mai 2013 im Internet Archive)
  • B. A. Brett-Green, L. J. Miller, S. A. Schoen, D. M. Nielsen: An exploratory event-related potential study of multisensory integration in sensory over-responsive children. In: Brain Res. Juni 2010, S. 393–407, doi:10.1016/ (Memento vom 24. Oktober 2012 im Internet Archive)
  • Julia P. Owen, Elysa J. Marco, Shivani Desai, Emily Fourie, Julia Harris, Susanna S. Hill, Anne B. Arnett, Patrik Mukherjee: Abnormal white matter microstructure in children with sensory processing disorders. In: NeuroImage: Clinical. Band 2, 2013, ISSN 2213-1582, S. 844–853, doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2013.06.009.
  • A. L. Eeles, A. J. Spittle, P. J. Anderson et al.: Assessments of sensory processing in infants: a systematic review. In: Dev Med Child Neurol. Band 55, Nr. 4, April 2013, S. 314–326, doi:10.1111/j.1469-8749.2012.04434.x, PMID 23157488.
  • J. Ermer, W. Dunn: The sensory profile: a discriminant analysis of children with and without disabilities. In: Am J Occup Ther. Band 52, Nr. 4, April 1998, S. 283–290, doi:10.5014/ajot.52.4.283, PMID 9544354.
  • H. Miller-Kuhaneck, D. A. Henry, T. J. Glennon, K. Mu: Development of the Sensory Processing Measure-School: initial studies of reliability and validity. In: Am J Occup Ther. Band 61, Nr. 2, 2007, S. 170–175, doi:10.5014/ajot.61.2.170, PMID 17436839.
  • Tara J. Glennon, Heather Miller Kuhaneck, David Herzberg: The Sensory Processing Measure–Preschool (SPM-P) – Part One: Description of the Tool and Its Use in the Preschool Environment. In: Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention. Band 4, Nr. 1, 2011, ISSN 1941-1243, S. 42–52, doi:10.1080/19411243.2011.573245.
  • T. Brown, S. C. Hockey: The Validity and Reliability of Developmental Test of Visual Perception – 2nd Edition (DTVP-2). In: Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. Band 33, Nr. 4, Januar 2013, S. 426–439, doi:10.3109/01942638.2012.757573, PMID 23356245.
  • J. C. Deitz, D. Kartin, K. Kopp: Review of the Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Second Edition (BOT-2). In: Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. Band 27, Nr. 4, 2007, S. 87–102, doi:10.1080/j006v27n04_06, PMID 18032151.
  • G. A. Gioia, P. K. Isquith, S. C. Guy, L. Kenworthy: Behavior rating inventory of executive function. In: Child Neuropsychol. Band 6, Nr. 3, September 2000, S. 235–238, doi:10.1076/chin., PMID 11419452.
  • G. A. Gioia, P. K. Isquith, P. D. Retzlaff, K. A. Espy: Confirmatory factor analysis of the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) in a clinical sample. In: Child Neuropsychol. Band 8, Nr. 4, Dezember 2002, S. 249–257, doi:10.1076/chin., PMID 12759822.
  • G. T. Baranek: Efficacy of sensory and motor interventions for children with autism. In: J Autism Dev Disord. Band 32, Nr. 5, 2002, S. 397–422, doi:10.1023/A:1020541906063, PMID 12463517.
  • R. C. Schaaf, L. J. Miller: Occupational therapy using a sensory integrative approach for children with developmental disabilities. In: Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. Band 11, Nr. 2, 2005, S. 143–148, doi:10.1002/mrdd.20067, PMID 15977314.
  • S. Hodgetts, W. Hodgetts: Somatosensory stimulation interventions for children with autism: literature review and clinical considerations. In: Can J Occup Ther. Band 74, Nr. 5, 2007, S. 393–400, doi:10.2182/cjot.07.013, PMID 18183774.
  • Stephen Brown, Rohit Shankar, Kathryn Smith: Borderline personality disorder and sensory processing impairment. In: Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry. Band 13, Nr. 4, 2009, ISSN 1367-7543, S. 10–16, doi:10.1002/pnp.127.
  • A. S. Carter, A. Ben-Sasson, M. J. Briggs-Gowan: Sensory Over-Responsivity in Elementary School: Prevalence and Social-Emotional Correlates. In: J Abnorm Child Psychol. Band 37, 2009, S. 705–716, doi:10.1007/s10802-008-9295-8, PMID (Memento vom 16. Februar 2015 im Internet Archive)
  • R. R. Ahn, L. J. Miller, S. Milberger, D. N. McIntosh: Prevalence of parents’ perceptions of sensory processing disorders among kindergarten children. In: Am J Occup Ther. Band 58, Nr. 3, 2004, S. 287–293, doi:10.5014/ajot.58.3.287 ( [PDF]). Prevalence of parents’ perceptions of sensory processing disorders among kindergarten children. (Memento vom 16. März 2018 im Internet Archive)
  • A. Ghanizadeh: Sensory processing problems in children with ADHD, a systematic review. In: Psychiatry Investig. Band 8, Nr. 2, Juni 2011, S. 89–94, doi:10.4306/pi.2011.8.2.89, PMID 21852983, PMC 3149116 (freier Volltext).
  • N. Russo, J. J. Foxe, A. B. Brandwein, T. Altschuler, H. Gomes, S. Molholm: Multisensory processing in children with autism: high-density electrical mapping of auditory-somatosensory integration. In: Autism Res. Band 3, Nr. 5, Oktober 2010, S. 253–267, doi:10.1002/aur.152, PMID 20730775.
  • S. A. Green, A. Ben-Sasson: Anxiety disorders and sensory over-responsivity in children with autism spectrum disorders: is there a causal relationship? In: J Autism Dev Disord. Band 40, Nr. 12, Dezember 2010, S. 1495–1504, doi:10.1007/s10803-010-1007-x, PMID 20383658, PMC 2980623 (freier Volltext).
  • S. Baron-Cohen, E. Ashwin, C. Ashwin, T. Tavassoli, B. Chakrabarti: Talent in autism: hyper-systemizing, hyper-attention to detail and sensory hypersensitivity. In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Band 364, Nr. 1522, Mai 2009, S. 1377–1383, doi:10.1098/rstb.2008.0337, PMID 19528020, PMC 2677592 (freier Volltext).
  • E. J. Marco, L. B. Hinkley, S. S. Hill, S. S. Nagarajan: Sensory processing in autism: a review of neurophysiologic findings. In: Pediatr. Res. Band 69, 5 Pt 2, Mai 2011, S. 48R–54R, doi:10.1203/PDR.0b013e3182130c54, PMID 21289533, PMC 3086654 (freier Volltext).
  • S. J. Rogers, S. Ozonoff: Annotation: what do we know about sensory dysfunction in autism? A critical review of the empirical evidence. In: J Child Psychol Psychiatry. Band 46, Nr. 12, 2005, S. 1255–1268, doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2005.01431.x, PMID 16313426.
  • A. Ben-Sasson, L. Hen, R. Fluss, S. A. Cermak, B. Engel-Yeger, E. Gal: A meta-analysis of sensory modulation symptoms in individuals with autism spectrum disorders. In: J Autism Dev Disord. Band 39, Nr. 1, 2008, S. 1–11, doi:10.1007/s10803-008-0593-3, PMID 18512135.
  • D. L. Williams, G. Goldstein, N. J. Minshew: Neuropsychologic functioning in children with autism: further evidence for disordered complex information-processing. In: Child Neuropsychol. Band 12, Nr. 4–5, 2006, S. 279–298, doi:10.1080/09297040600681190, PMID 16911973, PMC 1803025 (freier Volltext).
  • G. T. Baranek, F. J. David, M. D. Poe, W. L. Stone, L. R. Watson: Sensory Experiences Questionnaire: discriminating sensory features in young children with autism, developmental delays, and typical development. In: J Child Psychol Psychiatry. Band 47, Nr. 6, Juni 2006, S. 591–601, doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2005.01546.x, PMID 16712636.
  • S. J. Lane, S. Reynolds, L. Thacker: Sensory Over-Responsivity and ADHD: Differentiating Using Electrodermal Responses, Cortisol, and Anxiety. In: Front Integr Neuroscience. Band 4, März 2010, doi:10.3389/fnint.2010.00008.
  • L. A. Ross, D. Saint-Amour, V. M. Leavitt, S. Molholm, D. C. Javitt, J. J. Foxe: Impaired multisensory processing in schizophrenia: deficits in the visual enhancement of speech comprehension under noisy environmental conditions. In: Schizophr. Res. Band 97, Nr. 1-3, Dezember 2007, S. 173–183, doi:10.1016/j.schres.2007.08.008, PMID 17928202.
  • E. F. Rabinowicz, G. Silipo, R. Goldman, D. C. Javitt: Auditory sensory dysfunction in schizophrenia: imprecision or distractibility? In: Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. Band 57, Nr. 12, Dezember 2000, S. 1149–1155, doi:10.1001/archpsyc.57.12.1149, PMID 11115328.
  • S. V. Kratz: Sensory integration intervention: historical concepts, treatment strategies and clinical experiences in three patients with succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH) deficiency. In: J. Inherit. Metab. Dis. Band 32, Nr. 3, Juni 2009, S. 353–360, doi:10.1007/s10545-009-1149-1, PMID 19381864.
  • A. E. Lane, R. L. Young, A. E. Baker, M. T. Angley: Sensory processing subtypes in autism: association with adaptive behavior. In: J Autism Dev Disord. Band 40, Nr. 1, Januar 2010, S. 112–122, doi:10.1007/s10803-009-0840-2, PMID 19644746.
  • S. D. Tomchek, W. Dunn: Sensory processing in children with and without autism: a comparative study using the short sensory profile. In: Am J Occup Ther. Band 61, Nr. 2, 2007, S. 190–200, doi:10.5014/ajot.61.2.190, PMID 17436841.
  • J. K. Kern, M. H. Trivedi, B. D. Grannemann, et al.: Sensory correlations in autism. In: Autism. Band 11, Nr. 2, März 2007, S. 123–134, doi:10.1177/1362361307075702, PMID 17353213.
  • Cox JH, Seri S, Cavanna AE (May 2018). "Sensory aspects of Tourette syndrome" (PDF). Neurosci Biobehav Rev (Review). 88: 170–176. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2018.03.016. PMID 29559228. S2CID 4640655. Archived (PDF) from the original on December 1, 2020. Retrieved March 18, 2020
  • Prado HS, Rosário MC, Lee J, Hounie AG, Shavitt RG, Miguel EC (May 2008). "Sensory phenomena in obsessive-compulsive disorder and tic disorders: a review of the literature". CNS Spectr (Review and meta-anlysis). 13 (5): 425–432. doi:10.1017/s1092852900016606. PMID 18496480. S2CID 5694160. Archived from the original on February 10, 2012.
  • Bliss J (December 1980). "Sensory experiences of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome". Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 37 (12): 1343–1347. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.1980.01780250029002. PMID 6934713.
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  • S. Slobounov, R. Tutwiler, W. Sebastianelli, E. Slobounov: Alteration of postural responses to visual field motion in mild traumatic brain injury. In: Neurosurgery. Band 59, Nr. 1, Juni 2006, S. 134–139, doi:10.1227/01.NEU.0000219197.33182.3F, PMID 16823309.
  • S. V. Bharadwaj, L. L. Daniel, P. L. Matzke: Sensory-processing disorder in children with cochlear implants. In: Am J Occup Ther. Band 63, Nr. 2, 2009, S. 208–213, doi:10.5014/ajot.63.2.208, PMID 19432059.
  • A. Zamm, G. Schlaug, D. M. Eagleman, P. Loui: Pathways to seeing music: enhanced structural connectivity in colored-music synesthesia. In: Neuroimage. Band 74, Juni 2013, S. 359–366, doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.02.024, PMID 23454047.
  • R. Cohen Kadosh, D. B. Terhune: Redefining synaesthesia? In: Br J Psychol. Band 103, Nr. 1, Februar 2012, S. 20–23, doi:10.1111/j.2044-8295.2010.02003.x, PMID 22229770.
  • M. M. Segal, G. F. Rogers, H. L. Needleman, C. A. Chapman: Hypokalemic sensory overstimulation. In: J Child Neurol. Band 22, Nr. 12, 2007, S. 1408–1410, doi:10.1177/0883073807307095, PMID 18174562.
  • W. Dunn: The sensations of everyday life: empirical, theoretical, and pragmatic considerations. In: Am J Occup Ther. Band 55, Nr. 6, 2001, S. 608–620, doi:10.5014/ajot.55.6.608, PMID 12959225.

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  • B. E. Stein, T. R. Stanford, B. A. Rowland: The neural basis of multisensory integration in the midbrain: its organization and maturation. In: Hear. Res. Band 258, Nr. 1–2, Dezember 2009, S. 4–15, doi:10.1016/j.heares.2009.03.012, PMID 19345256, PMC 2787841 (freier Volltext).
  • J. Cosbey, S. S. Johnston, M. L. Dunn: Sensory processing disorders and social participation. In: Am J Occup Ther. Band 64, Nr. 3, 2010, S. 462–473, doi:10.5014/ajot.2010.09076, PMID 20608277.
  • A. J. Ayres: Types of sensory integrative dysfunction among disabled learners. In: Am J Occup Ther. Band 26, Nr. 1, 1972, S. 13–18, PMID 5008164.
  • Lucy Jane Miller, M. E. Anzalone, S. J. Lane, S. A. Cermak, E. T. Osten: Concept evolution in sensory integration: a proposed nosology for diagnosis. In: Am J Occup Ther. Band 61, Nr. 2, 2007, S. 135–140, doi:10.5014/ajot.61.2.135, PMID 17436834. online (Memento vom 24. Oktober 2012 im Internet Archive)
  • M. Zimmer, L. Desch: Sensory integration therapies for children with developmental and behavioral disorders. In: Pediatrics. Band 129, Nr. 6, Juni 2012, S. 1186–1189, doi:10.1542/peds.2012-0876, PMID 22641765.
  • K. James, L. J. Miller, R. Schaaf, D. M. Nielsen, S. A. Schoen: Phenotypes within sensory modulation dysfunction. In: Compr Psychiatry. Band 52, Nr. 6, 2011, S. 715–724, doi:10.1016/j.comppsych.2010.11.010, PMID (Memento vom 25. Oktober 2012 im Internet Archive)
  • R. C. Schaaf, T. Benevides, EI. Blanche, et al.: Parasympathetic functions in children with sensory processing disorder. In: Front Integr Neurosci. Band 4, 2010, S. 4, doi:10.3389/fnint.2010.00004, PMID 20300470, PMC 2839854 (freier Volltext). online (Memento vom 25. Oktober 2012 im Internet Archive)
  • W. N. Bair, T. Kiemel, J. J. Jeka, J. E. Clark: Development of multisensory reweighting is impaired for quiet stance control in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). In: PLoS ONE. Band 7, Nr. 7, 2012, S. e40932, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0040932, PMID 22815872, PMC 3399799 (freier Volltext).
  • P. L. Davies, W. J. Gavin: Validating the diagnosis of sensory processing disorders using EEG technology. In: Am J Occup Ther. Band 61, Nr. 2, 2007, S. 176–189, doi:10.5014/ajot.61.2.176, PMID 17436840.
  • H. H. Goldsmith, C. A. Van Hulle, C. L. Arneson, J. E. Schreiber, M. A. Gernsbacher: A Population-Based Twin Study of Parentally Reported Tactile and Auditory Defensiveness in Young Children. In: Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. Band 34, Nr. 3, Juni 2006, S. 393–407, doi:10.1007/s10802-006-9024-0, PMC 2695879 (freier Volltext). online (Memento vom 24. Oktober 2012 im Internet Archive)
  • P. L. Davies, W. P. Chang, W. J. Gavin: Maturation of sensory gating performance in children with and without sensory processing disorders. In: Int J Psychophysiol. Band 72, Nr. 2, Mai 2009, S. 187–197, doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2008.12.007, PMID 19146890, PMC 2695879 (freier Volltext).
  • M. A. Kisley, T. L. Noecker, P. M. Guinther: Comparison of sensory gating to mismatch negativity and self-reported perceptual phenomena in healthy adults. In: Psychophysiology. Band 41, Nr. 4, Juli 2004, S. 604–612, doi:10.1111/j.1469-8986.2004.00191.x, PMID (Memento vom 16. März 2015 im Internet Archive)
  • M. L. Schneider, C. F. Moore, LL Gajewski et al.: Sensory processing disorder in a primate model: evidence from a longitudinal study of prenatal alcohol and prenatal stress effects. In: Child Dev. Band 79, Nr. 1, 2008, S. 100–113, doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.2007.01113.x, PMID (Memento vom 12. Mai 2013 im Internet Archive)
  • A. L. Eeles, A. J. Spittle, P. J. Anderson et al.: Assessments of sensory processing in infants: a systematic review. In: Dev Med Child Neurol. Band 55, Nr. 4, April 2013, S. 314–326, doi:10.1111/j.1469-8749.2012.04434.x, PMID 23157488.
  • J. Ermer, W. Dunn: The sensory profile: a discriminant analysis of children with and without disabilities. In: Am J Occup Ther. Band 52, Nr. 4, April 1998, S. 283–290, doi:10.5014/ajot.52.4.283, PMID 9544354.
  • H. Miller-Kuhaneck, D. A. Henry, T. J. Glennon, K. Mu: Development of the Sensory Processing Measure-School: initial studies of reliability and validity. In: Am J Occup Ther. Band 61, Nr. 2, 2007, S. 170–175, doi:10.5014/ajot.61.2.170, PMID 17436839.
  • B. Wilson, N. Pollock, B. J. Kaplan, M. Law, P. Faris: Reliability and construct validity of the Clinical Observations of Motor and Postural Skills. In: Am J Occup Ther. Band 46, Nr. 9, September 1992, S. 775–783, PMID 1514563.
  • T. Brown, S. C. Hockey: The Validity and Reliability of Developmental Test of Visual Perception – 2nd Edition (DTVP-2). In: Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. Band 33, Nr. 4, Januar 2013, S. 426–439, doi:10.3109/01942638.2012.757573, PMID 23356245.
  • J. C. Deitz, D. Kartin, K. Kopp: Review of the Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Second Edition (BOT-2). In: Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. Band 27, Nr. 4, 2007, S. 87–102, doi:10.1080/j006v27n04_06, PMID 18032151.
  • G. A. Gioia, P. K. Isquith, S. C. Guy, L. Kenworthy: Behavior rating inventory of executive function. In: Child Neuropsychol. Band 6, Nr. 3, September 2000, S. 235–238, doi:10.1076/chin., PMID 11419452.
  • G. A. Gioia, P. K. Isquith, P. D. Retzlaff, K. A. Espy: Confirmatory factor analysis of the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) in a clinical sample. In: Child Neuropsychol. Band 8, Nr. 4, Dezember 2002, S. 249–257, doi:10.1076/chin., PMID 12759822.
  • G. T. Baranek: Efficacy of sensory and motor interventions for children with autism. In: J Autism Dev Disord. Band 32, Nr. 5, 2002, S. 397–422, doi:10.1023/A:1020541906063, PMID 12463517.
  • R. C. Schaaf, L. J. Miller: Occupational therapy using a sensory integrative approach for children with developmental disabilities. In: Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. Band 11, Nr. 2, 2005, S. 143–148, doi:10.1002/mrdd.20067, PMID 15977314.
  • S. Hodgetts, W. Hodgetts: Somatosensory stimulation interventions for children with autism: literature review and clinical considerations. In: Can J Occup Ther. Band 74, Nr. 5, 2007, S. 393–400, doi:10.2182/cjot.07.013, PMID 18183774.
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