Vladimir Kolossov, John O’Loughlin: After the Wars in the South Caucasus State of Georgia: Economic Insecurities and Migration in the "De Facto" States of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. In: Eurasian Geography and Economics. Band52, Nr.5, September 2011, ISSN1538-7216, S.631–654, doi:10.2747/1539-7216.52.5.631 (tandfonline.com [abgerufen am 26. Mai 2022]).
Vladimir Kolossov, John O’Loughlin: After the Wars in the South Caucasus State of Georgia: Economic Insecurities and Migration in the "De Facto" States of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. In: Eurasian Geography and Economics. Band52, Nr.5, September 2011, ISSN1538-7216, S.631–654, doi:10.2747/1539-7216.52.5.631 (tandfonline.com [abgerufen am 26. Mai 2022]).
Vladimir Kolossov, John O’Loughlin: After the Wars in the South Caucasus State of Georgia: Economic Insecurities and Migration in the "De Facto" States of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. In: Eurasian Geography and Economics. Band52, Nr.5, September 2011, ISSN1538-7216, S.631–654, doi:10.2747/1539-7216.52.5.631 (tandfonline.com [abgerufen am 26. Mai 2022]).