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K. Manavi, H. Young, A. McMillan: The sensitivity of syphilis assays in detecting different stages of early syphilis. In: International journal of STD & AIDS, Band 17, Nummer 11, November 2006, S. 768–771, doi:10.1258/095646206778691185. PMID 17062183.
V. Wiwanitkit: A cost-utility analysis of Treponema pallidum haemagglutination (TPHA) testing for syphilis screening of blood donors: is the TPHA test useful for syphilis screening in a blood centre? In: Blood transfusion = Trasfusione del sangue, Band 7, Nummer 1, Januar 2009, S. 65–66, doi:10.2450/2008.0024-08. PMID 19290082. PMC 2652238 (freier Volltext).