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A. R. Millard: A critique of the chronometric evidence for hominid fossils: I. Africa and the Near East 500-50 ka. In: Journal of human evolution. Band 54, Nummer 6, Juni 2008, S. 848–874, ISSN0047-2484. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2007.11.002. PMID 18201747.
Tabun 1, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
A. R. Millard: A critique of the chronometric evidence for hominid fossils: I. Africa and the Near East 500-50 ka. In: Journal of human evolution. Band 54, Nummer 6, Juni 2008, S. 848–874, ISSN0047-2484. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2007.11.002. PMID 18201747.