Hong Kong Football Association – History (chinesisch) [5] In: hkfa.com - Abgerufen am 20. Oktober 2018 - Online
“HK U23” Kicks Off. In: hkfa.com.Hong Kong Football Association (HKFA), 2. September 2021, abgerufen am 2. Mai 2022 (englisch): „[...] the Hong Kong Football Association (HKFA) officially approved the establishment of the “HK U23” team. A kick-off ceremony was held today as the team prepare to participate [...] the Sapling Cup followed by the new season’s BOC Life Hong Kong Premier League. The establishment of “HK U23” aims to promote the development of local football [...] it is hoped that the new “HK U23” team will one day represent Hong Kong in international competitions, bringing sporting cachet to the city.“
CHEUNG Kin Fung. Steckbrief. In: de.soccerway.com. Abgerufen am 2. Mai 2022 (englisch, deutsch).
Kin-Fung Cheung. Profildaten. In: transfermarkt.de. Abgerufen am 2. Mai 2022: „HK U23 Trainer [...] Hongkong Hongkong Premier League Im Amt seit: 28.09.2021“