Star Wars: Underworld (Wookieepedia). In: Abgerufen am 4. April 2023 (englisch, Wookieepedia ist ein Star Wars-Fan-Projekt aus dem Jahr 2005.).
Mike Hale: ‘The Mandalorian,’ a Gunslinger in a Galaxy Far, Far Away. In: The New York Times. 15. November 2019, abgerufen am 16. Dezember 2020 (amerikanisches Englisch): „Around the edges there’s a sense, ever so slightly dispiriting, that The Mandalorian will carry out the fundamental mission of the Star Wars franchise across four decades: to keep faith with the essential corniness and two-dimensionality of George Lucas’s original conception. Favreau and Filoni slow it down, make it look good, take out some of the sentimentality, give it some sophistication and let you feel smart for enjoying it. That’s not cinema, that’s peak TV.“