Adam J. L. Harris, Fi B. N. Blower, Sophie A. Rodgers, Sandra Lagator, Elise Page: Failures to replicate a key result of the selective accessibility theory of anchoring. In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 11. Juli 2019, ISSN1939-2222, doi:10.1037/xge0000644 ( [abgerufen am 28. August 2019]).
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Adam J. L. Harris, Fi B. N. Blower, Sophie A. Rodgers, Sandra Lagator, Elise Page: Failures to replicate a key result of the selective accessibility theory of anchoring. In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 11. Juli 2019, ISSN1939-2222, doi:10.1037/xge0000644 ( [abgerufen am 28. August 2019]).
Adam J. L. Harris, Fi B. N. Blower, Sophie A. Rodgers, Sandra Lagator, Elise Page: Failures to replicate a key result of the selective accessibility theory of anchoring. In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 11. Juli 2019, ISSN1939-2222, doi:10.1037/xge0000644 ( [abgerufen am 28. August 2019]).