Lyndon B. Johnson and the Gulf of Tonkin incidents, in: Eric Alterman: When Presidents Lie, Penguin, 2004, S. 160–232.
Donald E. Schmidt: The Folly of War – American Foreign Policy, 1898–2004. Algora Publishing, 2005, ISBN 0-87586-383-3, S. 264.
Clip 3: Lyndon B. Johnson Tuesday, August 4, 1964, 9:43 A.M. (6:09) Telephone Conversation with Robert McMamara, Secretary of Defense, Regarding the Incident in the Gulf of Tonkin with the Destroyers U.S.S. Maddox and U.S.S. C. Turner Joy. In: nsarchive2. National Security Archive Suite 701, Gelman Library The George Washington University, 2003, abgerufen am 11. Oktober 2000 (englisch): „Secretary McNamara: We think we've clearly indicated our refusal to accept a twelve-mile restriction with the, the eleven-mile limit; we see no need to change the track at this time. President Johnson: Why, what, what other objections do you have? Secretary McNamara: It, it, uh, changes a program that that uh shouldn't be changed frequently. These orders are very precise; the tracks are laid down very clearly; they go through the three command channels to get out there; this ship is allegedly uh to be attacked tonight-we don't like to see a change in operation plan of this kind at this time.“