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M. Rincón-Cortés, G. A. Barr, A. M. Mouly, K. Shionoya, B. S. Nuñez, R. M. Sullivan: Enduring good memories of infant trauma: rescue of adult neurobehavioral deficits via amygdala serotonin and corticosterone interaction. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Band112, Nr.3, Januar 2015, S.881–886, doi:10.1073/pnas.1416065112, PMID 25561533, PMC 4311810 (freier Volltext), bibcode:2015PNAS..112..881R (pnas.org).
M. Rincón-Cortés, G. A. Barr, A. M. Mouly, K. Shionoya, B. S. Nuñez, R. M. Sullivan: Enduring good memories of infant trauma: rescue of adult neurobehavioral deficits via amygdala serotonin and corticosterone interaction. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Band112, Nr.3, Januar 2015, S.881–886, doi:10.1073/pnas.1416065112, PMID 25561533, PMC 4311810 (freier Volltext), bibcode:2015PNAS..112..881R (pnas.org).
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M. Annitto: Consent, Coercion, and Compassion: Emerging Legal Responses to the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Minors. In: Yale Law & Policy Review. Band30, Nr.1, 2011, ISSN0740-8048, S.1–70, JSTOR:23340058.
V. Goldner: Romantische Bindungen, Bindungen und Brüche: Couples on the Brink. In: Psychoanalytic Dialogues. Band24, Nr.4, 4. Juli 2014, ISSN1048-1885, S.402–418, doi:10.1080/10481885.2014.932209.