Tryptophan-Synthase (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Tryptophan-Synthase" in German language version.

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  • Michael F. Dunn, Dimitri Niks, Huu Ngo, Thomas R. M. Barends, Ilme Schlichting: Tryptophan synthase: the workings of a channeling nanomachine. In: Trends in Biochemical Sciences. Band 33, Nr. 6, 1. Juni 2008, S. 254–264, doi:10.1016/j.tibs.2008.04.008, PMID 18486479.
  • Edith Wilson Miles: Structural Basis for Catalysis by Tryptophan Synthase. In: Advances in Enzymology - and Related Areas of Molecular Biology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA 2006, ISBN 978-0-470-12310-2, S. 93–172, doi:10.1002/9780470123102.ch3.
  • Peter E. Jablonski, Lynn M. Jablonski, Oscar Pintado, Namalamar Sriranganathan, Carolyn J.YR 1996 Hovde: Identification of Pasteurella multocida tryptophan synthase β-subunit by antisera against strain P1059. In: Microbiology. Band 142, Nr. 1, S. 115–121, doi:10.1099/13500872-142-1-115.
  • A. Lazcano, E. Díaz-Villagómez, T. Mills, J. Oró: On the levels of enzymatic substrate specificity: Implications for the early evolution of metabolic pathways. In: Advances in Space Research. Band 15, Nr. 3, März 1995, S. 345–356, doi:10.1016/S0273-1177(99)80106-9.
  • I Anderson: Gene Discovery in the Genome. In: Protist. Band 156, Nr. 2, 18. August 2005, S. 203–214, doi:10.1016/j.protis.2005.04.001.
  • C. Ireland, N. Peekhaus, P. Lu, R. Sangari, A. Zhang, P. Masurekar, Z. An: The tryptophan synthetase gene TRP1 of Nodulisporium sp.: molecular characterization and its relation to nodulisporic acid A production. In: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. Band 79, Nr. 3, Juni 2008, S. 451–459, doi:10.1007/s00253-008-1440-3.
  • Sanjaya, Pao-Yuan Hsiao, Ruey-Chih Su, Swee-Suak Ko, Chii-Gong Tong, Ray-Yu Yang, Ming-Tsair Chan: Overexpression of Arabidopsis thaliana tryptophan synthase beta 1 ( AtTSB 1) in Arabidopsis and tomato confers tolerance to cadmium stress. In: Plant, Cell & Environment. Band 31, Nr. 8, August 2008, S. 1074–1085, doi:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2008.01819.x.
  • S. E. Eckert, E. Kübler, B. Hoffmann, G. H. Braus: The tryptophan synthase-encoding trpB gene of Aspergillus nidulans is regulated by the cross-pathway control system. In: Molecular and General Genetics MGG. Band 263, Nr. 5, Juni 2000, S. 867–876, doi:10.1007/s004380000250.
  • S A Ahmed, E W Miles, D R Davies: Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic data of the tryptophan synthase alpha 2 beta 2 complex from Salmonella typhimurium. In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. Band 260, Nr. 6, März 1985, S. 3716–3718, doi:10.1016/S0021-9258(19)83682-7.
  • C C Hyde, S A Ahmed, E A Padlan, E W Miles, D R Davies: Three-dimensional structure of the tryptophan synthase alpha 2 beta 2 multienzyme complex from Salmonella typhimurium. In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. Band 263, Nr. 33, November 1988, S. 17857–17871, doi:10.1016/S0021-9258(19)77913-7.
  • Samanta Raboni, Stefano Bettati, Andrea Mozzarelli: Tryptophan synthase: a mine for enzymologists. In: Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. Band 66, Nr. 14, Juli 2009, S. 2391–2403, doi:10.1007/s00018-009-0028-0.
  • M. Qaiser Fatmi, Rizi Ai, Chia-en A. Chang: Synergistic Regulation and Ligand-Induced Conformational Changes of Tryptophan Synthase. In: Biochemistry. Band 48, Nr. 41, 20. Oktober 2009, S. 9921–9931, doi:10.1021/bi901358j.
  • Nick V. Grishin, Margaret A. Phillips, Elizabeth J. Goldsmith: Modeling of the spatial structure of eukaryotic ornithine decarboxylases. In: Protein Science. Band 4, Nr. 7, Juli 1995, S. 1291–1304, doi:10.1002/pro.5560040705, PMID 7670372, PMC 2143167 (freier Volltext).
  • Thomas R. Schneider, Eva Gerhardt, Minsu Lee, Po-Huang Liang, Karen S. Anderson, Ilme Schlichting: Loop Closure and Intersubunit Communication in Tryptophan Synthase ,. In: Biochemistry. Band 37, Nr. 16, 21. April 1998, S. 5394–5406, doi:10.1021/bi9728957.
  • Xinyi Huang, Hazel M. Holden, Frank M. Raushel: Channeling of Substrates and Intermediates in Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions. In: Annual Review of Biochemistry. Band 70, Nr. 1, Juni 2001, S. 149–180, doi:10.1146/annurev.biochem.70.1.149.
  • Michael Wilcox: The enzymatic synthesis of l-tryptophan analogues. In: Analytical Biochemistry. Band 59, Nr. 2, Juni 1974, S. 436–440, doi:10.1016/0003-2697(74)90296-6.
  • Kshitiz Chaudhary, David S Roos: Protozoan genomics for drug discovery. In: Nature Biotechnology. Band 23, Nr. 9, September 2005, S. 1089–1091, doi:10.1038/nbt0905-1089, PMID 16151400, PMC 7096809 (freier Volltext).
  • Daniel Becker, Matthias Selbach, Claudia Rollenhagen, Matthias Ballmaier, Thomas F. Meyer, Matthias Mann, Dirk Bumann: Robust Salmonella metabolism limits possibilities for new antimicrobials. In: Nature. Band 440, Nr. 7082, März 2006, S. 303–307, doi:10.1038/nature04616.
  • Harlan D. Caldwell, Heidi Wood, Debbie Crane, Robin Bailey, Robert B. Jones, David Mabey, Ian Maclean, Zeena Mohammed, Rosanna Peeling, Christine Roshick, Julius Schachter, Anthony W. Solomon, Walter E. Stamm, Robert J. Suchland, Lacey Taylor, Sheila K. West, Tom C. Quinn, Robert J. Belland, Grant McClarty: Polymorphisms in Chlamydia trachomatis tryptophan synthase genes differentiate between genital and ocular isolates. In: Journal of Clinical Investigation. Band 111, Nr. 11, 1. Juni 2003, S. 1757–1769, doi:10.1172/JCI17993, PMID 12782678, PMC 156111 (freier Volltext).
  • Victor Kulik, Elisabeth Hartmann, Michael Weyand, Monika Frey, Alfons Gierl, Dimitri Niks, Michael F. Dunn, Ilme Schlichting: On the Structural Basis of the Catalytic Mechanism and the Regulation of the Alpha Subunit of Tryptophan Synthase from Salmonella typhimurium and BX1 from Maize, Two Evolutionarily Related Enzymes. In: Journal of Molecular Biology. Band 352, Nr. 3, September 2005, S. 608–620, doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2005.07.014.
  • Sonja Leopoldseder, Stefan Hettwer, Reinhard Sterner: Evolution of Multi-Enzyme Complexes: The Case of Tryptophan Synthase. In: Biochemistry. Band 45, Nr. 47, 1. November 2006, S. 14111–14119, doi:10.1021/bi061684b.

  • Michael F. Dunn, Dimitri Niks, Huu Ngo, Thomas R. M. Barends, Ilme Schlichting: Tryptophan synthase: the workings of a channeling nanomachine. In: Trends in Biochemical Sciences. Band 33, Nr. 6, 1. Juni 2008, S. 254–264, doi:10.1016/j.tibs.2008.04.008, PMID 18486479.
  • Nick V. Grishin, Margaret A. Phillips, Elizabeth J. Goldsmith: Modeling of the spatial structure of eukaryotic ornithine decarboxylases. In: Protein Science. Band 4, Nr. 7, Juli 1995, S. 1291–1304, doi:10.1002/pro.5560040705, PMID 7670372, PMC 2143167 (freier Volltext).
  • K. S. Anderson, E. W. Miles, K. A. Johnson: Serine modulates substrate channeling in tryptophan synthase. A novel intersubunit triggering mechanism. In: The Journal of Biological Chemistry. Band 266, Nr. 13, 5. Mai 1991, S. 8020–8033, PMID 1902468.
  • Kshitiz Chaudhary, David S Roos: Protozoan genomics for drug discovery. In: Nature Biotechnology. Band 23, Nr. 9, September 2005, S. 1089–1091, doi:10.1038/nbt0905-1089, PMID 16151400, PMC 7096809 (freier Volltext).
  • Harlan D. Caldwell, Heidi Wood, Debbie Crane, Robin Bailey, Robert B. Jones, David Mabey, Ian Maclean, Zeena Mohammed, Rosanna Peeling, Christine Roshick, Julius Schachter, Anthony W. Solomon, Walter E. Stamm, Robert J. Suchland, Lacey Taylor, Sheila K. West, Tom C. Quinn, Robert J. Belland, Grant McClarty: Polymorphisms in Chlamydia trachomatis tryptophan synthase genes differentiate between genital and ocular isolates. In: Journal of Clinical Investigation. Band 111, Nr. 11, 1. Juni 2003, S. 1757–1769, doi:10.1172/JCI17993, PMID 12782678, PMC 156111 (freier Volltext).