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Paolo Di Lazzaro, Anthony C. Atkinson, Paola Iacomussi, Marco Riani, Marco Ricci, Peter Wadhams: Statistical and Proactive Analysis of an Inter-Laboratory Comparison: The Radiocarbon Dating of the Shroud of Turin. In: Entropy. Band22, Nr.9, 2020, ISSN1099-4300, S.926, doi:10.3390/e22090926.
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R. E. M. Hedges: A Note Concerning the Application of Radiocarbon Dating to the Turin Shroud. In: Approfondimento Sindone. 1, 1997, S. 1–8 (
P. E. Damon et al: Radiocarbon dating of the Shroud of Turin. In: Nature. Band337, Nr.6208, 16. Februar 1989, S.611–615, doi:10.1038/337611a0 (
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Paolo Di Lazzaro, Anthony C. Atkinson, Paola Iacomussi, Marco Riani, Marco Ricci, Peter Wadhams: Statistical and Proactive Analysis of an Inter-Laboratory Comparison: The Radiocarbon Dating of the Shroud of Turin. In: Entropy. Band22, Nr.9, 2020, ISSN1099-4300, S.926, doi:10.3390/e22090926.