Hiram Martin Chittenden, Isabelle Florence Story: Yellowstone National Park. Stanford University Press, Stanford 1933, S.79f. (Kopie bei Google Books).
Douglas Lorain: Backpacking Wyoming: From Towering Granite Peaks to Steaming Geyser Basins. Wilderness Press, Berkeley 2010, ISBN 978-0-89997-505-4, S.100 (Kopie bei Google Books).
Kenneth H. Baldwin: IV – Two-Ocean Water and Togwotee Pass: The Jones Expedition of 1873. In: Enchanted Enclosure: The Army Engineers and Yellowstone National Park. 1976, abgerufen am 28. Januar 2023 (englisch): „First, he verified the existence of Two-Ocean Water, a place where, as Bridger had for years insisted, water flowed simultaneously to both the Atlantic and the Pacific.“