Julian Packheiser, Noemi Rook, Zeynep Dursun, Janne Mesenhöller, Alrescha Wenglorz, Onur Güntürkün, Sebastian Ocklenburg: Embracing your emotions: affective state impacts lateralisation of human embraces. In: Psychological Research. 83, 2019, S. 26, doi:10.1007/s00426-018-0985-8.
Sebastian Ocklenburg, Julian Packheiser, Judith Schmitz, Noemi Rook, Onur Güntürkün, Jutta Peterburs, Gina M. Grimshaw: Hugs and kisses – The role of motor preferences and emotional lateralization for hemispheric asymmetries in human social touch. In: Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. Band 95, 2018, S. 353–360. DOI:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2018.10.007. (Review)
Gesa Berretz, Chantal Cebula, Blanca Maria Wortelmann, Panagiota Papadopoulou, Oliver T. Wolf, Sebastian Ocklenburg, Julian Packheiser: Romantic partner embraces reduce cortisol release after acute stress induction in women but not in men. In: PLOS ONE. 17. Jahrgang, Nr.5, 18. Mai 2022, ISSN1932-6203, S.e0266887, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0266887 (englisch, plos.org).
Gesa Berretz, Chantal Cebula, Blanca Maria Wortelmann, Panagiota Papadopoulou, Oliver T. Wolf, Sebastian Ocklenburg, Julian Packheiser: Romantic partner embraces reduce cortisol release after acute stress induction in women but not in men. In: PLOS ONE. 17. Jahrgang, Nr.5, 18. Mai 2022, ISSN1932-6203, S.e0266887, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0266887 (englisch, plos.org).
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Gesa Berretz, Chantal Cebula, Blanca Maria Wortelmann, Panagiota Papadopoulou, Oliver T. Wolf, Sebastian Ocklenburg, Julian Packheiser: Romantic partner embraces reduce cortisol release after acute stress induction in women but not in men. In: PLOS ONE. 17. Jahrgang, Nr.5, 18. Mai 2022, ISSN1932-6203, S.e0266887, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0266887 (englisch, plos.org).