Varidnaviria (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Varidnaviria" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
5,233rd place
725th place
2nd place
3rd place
120th place
143rd place
7,012th place
low place
low place
low place

  • Eugene V. Koonin, Valerian V. Dolja, Mart Krupovic, Arvind Varsani, Yuri I. Wolf, Natalya Yutin, M. Zerbini, J. H. Kuhn: Create a megataxonomic framework, filling all principal taxonomic ranks, for DNA viruses encoding vertical jelly roll-type major capsid proteins. In: ICTV Proposal (Taxoprop). Oktober 2019, S. 2019.003G., doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.14886.47684 (
  • Rafael Laso-Pérez, Fabai Wu, Antoine Crémière, Daan R. Speth, John S. Magyar, Kehan Zhao, Mart Krupovic, Victoria J. Orphan: Evolutionary diversification of methanotrophic ANME-1 archaea and their expansive virome. In: Nature Microbiology, Band 8, Nr. 2, 19. Januar 2023, S. 231–245; doi:10.1038/s41564-022-01297-4, sfam HAL:03976007 (englisch).

  • Rafael Laso-Pérez, Fabai Wu, Antoine Crémière, Daan R. Speth, John S. Magyar, Kehan Zhao, Mart Krupovic, Victoria J. Orphan: Evolutionary diversification of methanotrophic ANME-1 archaea and their expansive virome. In: Nature Microbiology, Band 8, Nr. 2, 19. Januar 2023, S. 231–245; doi:10.1038/s41564-022-01297-4, sfam HAL:03976007 (englisch).

  • Eugene V. Koonin, Valerian V. Dolja, Mart Krupovic, Arvind Varsani, Yuri I. Wolf, Natalya Yutin, M. Zerbini, J. H. Kuhn: Create a megataxonomic framework, filling all principal taxonomic ranks, for DNA viruses encoding vertical jelly roll-type major capsid proteins. In: ICTV Proposal (Taxoprop). Oktober 2019, S. 2019.003G., doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.14886.47684 (