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G. Clarke, J. W. Wright: Scheduling of Vehicles from a Central Depot to a Number of Delivery Points. In: Operations Research. Band12, Nr.4, August 1964, ISSN0030-364X, S.568–581, doi:10.1287/opre.12.4.568 (informs.org [abgerufen am 16. Januar 2024]).
T. J. Gaskell: Bases for Vehicle Fleet Scheduling. In: OR. Band18, Nr.3, September 1967, ISSN1473-2858, S.281, doi:10.2307/3006978.
Kemal Altinkemer, Bezalel Gavish: Parallel Savings Based Heuristics for the Delivery Problem. In: Operations Research. Band39, Nr.3, Juni 1991, ISSN0030-364X, S.456–469, doi:10.1287/opre.39.3.456.
Billy E. Gillett, Leland R. Miller: A Heuristic Algorithm for the Vehicle-Dispatch Problem. In: Operations Research. Band22, Nr.2, April 1974, ISSN0030-364X, S.340–349, doi:10.1287/opre.22.2.340.
Shen Lin: Computer Solutions of the Traveling Salesman Problem. In: Bell System Technical Journal. Band44, Nr.10, Dezember 1965, S.2245–2269, doi:10.1002/j.1538-7305.1965.tb04146.x (ieee.org [abgerufen am 16. Januar 2024]).
G. B. Dantzig, J. H. Ramser: The Truck Dispatching Problem. In: Management Science. Band6, Nr.1, Oktober 1959, ISSN0025-1909, S.80–91, doi:10.1287/mnsc.6.1.80 (wordpress.com [PDF; abgerufen am 16. Januar 2024]).
Shen Lin: Computer Solutions of the Traveling Salesman Problem. In: Bell System Technical Journal. Band44, Nr.10, Dezember 1965, S.2245–2269, doi:10.1002/j.1538-7305.1965.tb04146.x (ieee.org [abgerufen am 16. Januar 2024]).
G. Clarke, J. W. Wright: Scheduling of Vehicles from a Central Depot to a Number of Delivery Points. In: Operations Research. Band12, Nr.4, August 1964, ISSN0030-364X, S.568–581, doi:10.1287/opre.12.4.568 (informs.org [abgerufen am 16. Januar 2024]).
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G. B. Dantzig, J. H. Ramser: The Truck Dispatching Problem. In: Management Science. Band6, Nr.1, Oktober 1959, ISSN0025-1909, S.80–91, doi:10.1287/mnsc.6.1.80 (wordpress.com [PDF; abgerufen am 16. Januar 2024]).
G. Clarke, J. W. Wright: Scheduling of Vehicles from a Central Depot to a Number of Delivery Points. In: Operations Research. Band12, Nr.4, August 1964, ISSN0030-364X, S.568–581, doi:10.1287/opre.12.4.568 (informs.org [abgerufen am 16. Januar 2024]).
T. J. Gaskell: Bases for Vehicle Fleet Scheduling. In: OR. Band18, Nr.3, September 1967, ISSN1473-2858, S.281, doi:10.2307/3006978.
Kemal Altinkemer, Bezalel Gavish: Parallel Savings Based Heuristics for the Delivery Problem. In: Operations Research. Band39, Nr.3, Juni 1991, ISSN0030-364X, S.456–469, doi:10.1287/opre.39.3.456.
Billy E. Gillett, Leland R. Miller: A Heuristic Algorithm for the Vehicle-Dispatch Problem. In: Operations Research. Band22, Nr.2, April 1974, ISSN0030-364X, S.340–349, doi:10.1287/opre.22.2.340.