Verneshot (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Verneshot" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
332nd place
705th place

  • J. Phipps Morgan, T. J. Reston und C. R. Ranero: Contemporaneous mass extinctions, continental flood basalts, and ‘impact signals’: are mantle plume-induced lithospheric gas explosions the causal link? In: Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Band 217, 2004, S. 263–284 (Online [PDF; 705 kB]).

  • Mehr Information (auf Englisch) zu finden auf Professor Jason Phipps Morgans Fakultätsseite der Cornell University vom Mai 2004: “I became interested in the causes of mass-extinctions, in particular worrying about the ‘too-many-coincidences’ problem that these periods appear to be associated (if we believe what’s published in the mainstream literature) with BOTH extremely rare continental flood basalts and continental rifting, and even rarer ‘impact signals’ commonly presumed to come from large extraterrestrial bolide impacts. Our recently published Verneshot hypothesis is our best guess on how to explain these coincidences in a self-consistent causal manner.”