Rhys McKinnon: Local justification : a new look at epistemic justification. Dalhousie University, Halifax 2006, NOVANET ALEPH001488240. (Thesis (M.A.) am Department of Philosophy der Dalhousie University)
Rachel McKinnon: Reasonable Assertions: On Norms of Assertion and Why You Don’t Need to Know What You’re Talking About. UWSpace, Waterloo 2012, hdl:10012/6619. (Dissertationsschrift an der University of Waterloo).
Fred Dreier: Q&A: Dr. Rachel McKinnon, masters track champion and transgender athlete. In: velonews.com. 15. Oktober 2018, abgerufen am 4. August 2019 (englisch): „VN: ‘What is the story behind your transition?’ – RM: ‘I was born with an “M” on my birth certificate. Not all trans people are the same; we don’t all know at age two or three. I started supposing I [was trans] when I was 13, and it took another 16 years to come to terms with it and figure it out. I started my transition right before I finished my Ph.D. and came out to the world two days after I defended my dissertation.’“