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B. W. J. Hellebrekers, T. Kooistra: Pathogenesis of postoperative adhesion formation. In: The British Journal of Surgery. Band98, Nr.11, November 2011, ISSN1365-2168, S.1503–1516, doi:10.1002/bjs.7657, PMID 21877324.
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B. W. J. Hellebrekers, T. Kooistra: Pathogenesis of postoperative adhesion formation. In: The British Journal of Surgery. Band98, Nr.11, November 2011, ISSN1365-2168, S.1503–1516, doi:10.1002/bjs.7657, PMID 21877324.
J. Zindel, M. Peiseler, M. Hossain, C. Deppermann, W. Y. Lee: Primordial GATA6 macrophages function as extravascular platelets in sterile injury. In: Science. Band371, Nr.6533, 5. März 2021, ISSN0036-8075, S.eabe0595, doi:10.1126/science.abe0595.