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L. P. Black, P. D. Kinny, J. W. Sheraton und C. P. Delor: Rapid production and evolution of late Archaean felsic crust in the Vestfold Block of East Antarctica. In: Precambrian Research, Volume 50, Issues 3–4, May 1991, Pages 283-310. doi:10.1016/0301-9268(91)90026-7, alternativ
Simon L. Harley, Ian C. W. Fitzsimons und Yue Zhao: Antarctica and supercontinent evolution: historical perspectives, recent advances and unresolved issues. In: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 383, 1-34, 9 October 2013.doi:10.1144/SP383.9, alternativ
Simon L. Harley, Ian C. W. Fitzsimons und Yue Zhao: Antarctica and supercontinent evolution: historical perspectives, recent advances and unresolved issues. In: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 383, 1-34, 9 October 2013.doi:10.1144/SP383.9, alternativ
L. P. Black, P. D. Kinny, J. W. Sheraton und C. P. Delor: Rapid production and evolution of late Archaean felsic crust in the Vestfold Block of East Antarctica. In: Precambrian Research, Volume 50, Issues 3–4, May 1991, Pages 283-310. doi:10.1016/0301-9268(91)90026-7, alternativ