Centrum für Reisemedizin (CRM): Vibrionen-Infektion nach Baden in Ost- und Nordsee? Bei starken Schmerzen nach kleinen Hautverletzungen sofort zum Arzt. Pressemitteilung vom 9. Juli 2020 (Volltext als PDF).
E. Fidelma Boyd, Kathryn E. Moyer, Lei Shi, Matthew K. Waldor: Infectious CTXΦ and the Vibrio Pathogenicity Island Prophage in Vibrio mimicus: Evidence for Recent Horizontal Transfer between V. mimicus and V. cholerae. In: Infection and Immunity. Band68. Jahrgang, Nr.3, 2000, S.1507–1513, doi:10.1128/IAI.68.3.1507-1513.2000, PMID 10678967, PMC 97308 (freier Volltext).
U. Simidu, T. Noguchi, D. F. Hwang, Y. Shida, K. Hashimoto: Marine bacteria which produce tetrodotoxin. In: Applied and environmental microbiology. Band 53, Nr. 7, Juli 1987, S. 1714–1715, ISSN0099-2240, PMID 3310884, PMC 203940 (freier Volltext).
Kendo Matsumura: Reexamination of tetrodotoxin production by bacteria. In: Applied and environmental microbiology. Band 61, Nr. 9, September 1995, S. 3468–3470, ISSN0099-2240, PMID 7574655. PMC 167625 (freier Volltext).
Dong-Soo Kim, Cheorl-Ho Kim: Author's reply to K. Matsumura: No ability to produce tetrodotoxin in bacteria. In: Applied and environmental microbiology. Band 67, Nr. 5, Mai 2001, S. 2393–2394, ISSN0099-2240, PMID 11386243, PMC 92886 (freier Volltext).
E. Fidelma Boyd, Kathryn E. Moyer, Lei Shi, Matthew K. Waldor: Infectious CTXΦ and the Vibrio Pathogenicity Island Prophage in Vibrio mimicus: Evidence for Recent Horizontal Transfer between V. mimicus and V. cholerae. In: Infection and Immunity. Band68. Jahrgang, Nr.3, 2000, S.1507–1513, doi:10.1128/IAI.68.3.1507-1513.2000, PMID 10678967, PMC 97308 (freier Volltext).
U. Simidu, T. Noguchi, D. F. Hwang, Y. Shida, K. Hashimoto: Marine bacteria which produce tetrodotoxin. In: Applied and environmental microbiology. Band 53, Nr. 7, Juli 1987, S. 1714–1715, ISSN0099-2240, PMID 3310884, PMC 203940 (freier Volltext).
Kendo Matsumura: Reexamination of tetrodotoxin production by bacteria. In: Applied and environmental microbiology. Band 61, Nr. 9, September 1995, S. 3468–3470, ISSN0099-2240, PMID 7574655. PMC 167625 (freier Volltext).
Dong-Soo Kim, Cheorl-Ho Kim: Author's reply to K. Matsumura: No ability to produce tetrodotoxin in bacteria. In: Applied and environmental microbiology. Band 67, Nr. 5, Mai 2001, S. 2393–2394, ISSN0099-2240, PMID 11386243, PMC 92886 (freier Volltext).